Re: Livemesh mobile client available!
Livemesh will allow you to include your device in your mesh. Auto-sync files and folders between all devices and "the cloud".
Example... my HTPC can record, compress, and move a tv show into a special folder that's in my Mesh. Livemesh then automatically syncs it with any or all other devices in my mesh, including my WinMo phone... no cables or activesync needed! Last edited by Draiko; 10-30-2008 at 08:58 PM. |
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Re: Livemesh mobile client available!
Re: Livemesh mobile client available!
late, Coz
"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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Re: Livemesh mobile client available!
For anyone who is still getting errors... you need to install the updated client that was posted last night.
http://m.mesh.com/install/wm6/LiveMesh.cab The client works pretty well but still doesn't "feel" rock solid. Again, this is all beta software and I'm really impressed with MS and livemesh! |
Re: Livemesh mobile client available!
if you were having issues, redownload the livemesh.cab from microsoft site...they fixed (according to wmexperts.com): see below:
http://www.wmexperts.com/articles/li...ent_fixed.html |
Re: Livemesh mobile client available!
It also seems that Livemesh mobile has a 10 MB file size limit. My Diamond won't auto-sync any files over 10 MB that are in my mesh.
I hope they take that off soon! |
Re: Livemesh mobile client available!
Apparantly, there is also a limit on the number of mobile devices that MS is allowing to use Mesh during the Beta period. As I was attempting to sync my 700WX, I got a message saying, "Live Mesh for Windows Mobile Client is only avaialble for a limited number of users. You are currently not allowed to add your mobile phone to Live Mesh." So the question now is, why is this client being offered for d/l if it can't be used right now?
Live Mesh for Windows Mobile 6.1 AWESOME
In case you didn't see it, you can now get Live Mesh for Windows Mobile at www.mesh.com - Microsoft's Live Mesh can syncronize all of your computers and mobile phones, up to 5 GBs of storage. This is kind of like MobileMe, but it is freeand it works. So you can now take a photo from your phone and have it instantly syncronize to your desktop OTA. You can also add files like .cab and .exe on your desktop and have them instantly sync to your phone over the air without activesync.
I have it set to back up my internal 4GB storage on my phone at all times. Cool! |
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