I would like to just say that I really enjoy this website as it has allowed me to fully enjoy my Touch and Mogul that I own/owned, and would like to thank everyone that is on here. There is just one thing that I would LOVE to have as it incorporates the iPhone interface but gives it a much better feel i believe, but there is one major problem, the program is in Chinese. I know over at XDA they have tried to translate it, but for some reason there hasn't been any work on it for about 2 months. They translated most of the links, but none of the options were translated so it is very hard to customize. I believe that if this was translated it would become a very popular program, especially with all the iPhone interface clones floating around. I was just wondering if anyone here would be able to further what they have done over there or if anyone that knowns Chinese would be able to contact the developer and see if he has a translated version or anything. I'll attach the original link and the xml file that seems (to me) to be the best translation so far by wandrerx.
The link for over at XDA is:
As well as:
And this is believed to be the developers site (translate with Google if you need):