I use MobiTV. It has all the news I need and some entertainment. MobiTV is looking at the new market emerging here in the USA that will offer full TV service over mobile devices.
SprintTV is basicly MobiTV. Its a great simple cheap service.
Now I live in New Jersey. Sprint coverage is great around my state. The EVDO is years ahead of any other provider even Verizon. With my plan I get unlimited data at the highest bandwith in the country over my Mogul. I use it as an ISP for my desktop and laptop all of the time. When they update next month I will get the newest revision that is even faster. If you want decent TV or media over a mobile device you need a service that provides DSL++ speeds. You can only shrink the pipe so far.
My point? It all starts at the foundation of your service. If you dont have the service to provide the power needed to view content like MobiTV, donwload large files it doesnt matter what device you use. You can have "The super mobile phone of awsome!" and it will still be next to useless. When I see how slow and how much people pay for even Verizon I cringe. Its sad. They regulate everything you do to the point you are afraid to even listen to satilite radio over your phone. Do I have any bandwith left this month? How insane will my data charges be? Is it realy unlimited?
I hear alot of people saying "This program doesnt work well" and other things when I see what provider they use it becomes obvious the provider does not give them the minimum tools needed to use most of these programs.
Last edited by Stevenewjersey; 12-21-2007 at 06:58 PM.