Here is a little app to easily change FTouchFLO settings:
Autodetect FTouchFLO status
Enable/disable FTouchFLO (also on startup)
Enable/disable scrolling feature
Change timeout and gesture waiting delay
Change applications to launch after Up-Down/Down-Up/Left-Right/Right-Left gestures
Manage exclusion list
Lists all programs available on device
Select window title from active windows
Select program from active programs
Should be compatible with any "FTouchFLO-enabled" device
Even though I had Efrost agreement to develop this tool, I didn't take part in FTouchFLO development, so please post here for bugs or suggestions concerning this tool only!
To ROM cookers, feel free to include this tool in your "FTouchFLO-enabled" ROMs.
Yeah I saw that today too. Looked pretty sweet, although all its doing is editing the config.txt file which isn't *that* hard (my *nix roots are showing )