Ok i found the files i jst ended up taking them from my computer now i know how to place the one in the startup file (but not sure if its gonna werk .. But just to make sure can somone or anyone know how i can Make these go off as soon as i reset(log.off or logg.On) >?
thanks guys Well i placed the startup sound in the startup folder in windows and it werked as far of the start.up- But then this little box shows up - on the today screename that i have to exit out ) - Anyhelp>?? Last edited by Sprints700wx; 09-26-2007 at 06:27 PM. |
this may help you. first of all remove the .wav file you placed into your windows\startup folder (if you havent already)... then place whatever .wav file you want your device to startup with into your windows directory then do the following:
using a regedit go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction \CDMA\FlightmodeOnOff edit "Sound_On" (default value "\windows\PhoneOn.wav) change the "PhoneOn.wav" to whatever your .wav file name of choice is. hit OK, and soft reset. i lost my startup sound completely... i think after i installed the HTC Home Customizer. so i too need to know how to get my startup sound back. my problem is that i still have the default value "\windows\PhoneOn.wav" in the registry, and the "PhoneOn.wav is still in my windows directory and its still not working. so can anyone help me please?? thanks!! Last edited by d_phekt; 09-28-2007 at 01:38 AM. |
Any help or might it be in another folder being that its a treo ? <<(Jst a thought) |
You need a registry editor to be able to see the PhoneExtFunction. It's not available through the control panel. here's a link to a freeware site http://www.phm.lu/Products/PocketPC/RegEdit/ I would definately suggest you backup your registry before you do anything. Daveedem PPC6700 - Sprint PCS WM6 5.2.1620 (Helmi's build) Iphone Theme Radio 1.41 Thiermann's Dialer Mod BT Reg Tweak |