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Old 05-11-2009, 07:37 AM
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Lightbulb Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

Here is a fantastic tutorial about how to edit the registry on your WM smartphone... I have copied it below to share to you... It is a definite read if you are new to editing your registry values...

Most of the tweaks and hacks we post here on pocketnow.com require users to edit (modify, delete from or add to) their device’s registry and we receive several requests and questions where users ask us “How to edit the registry?” Read on for our Tutorial on How to Edit Your Registry.

First things first: What’s a “Registry”?
Regardless if you’re talking about Desktop, Notebook or Pocket PCs running a certain version of Microsoft Windows Operating System, they all have a registry, which basically is a database of settings and options. According to Wikipedia, “It contains information and settings for hardware, operating system software, most non-operating system software, and per-user settings. The registry also provides a window into the operation of the kernel, exposing runtime information such as performance counters and currently active hardware.”

A deeper look: What’s a “Registry” made of?
Registries are made of two components: keys and values and are structured in logical components called hives. Look at registry keys like they were folders, each key having the ability of containing one or several other “subkeys” and so on. Values on the other hand are name/data pairs which are stored inside keys.

List of WM Registry Value Types
No type
A string value
Binary data (any arbitrary data)
A DWORD value, a 32-bit unsigned integer (numbers between 0 and 4,294,967,295 [232 – 1]) (little-endian)
A multi-string value, which is an array of unique strings
* source: Wikipedia
Short examples might be consisting of the following: String values usually are paths to applications or executables. A String value example might be: “mp3dec.dll”=”\Windows\mp3dec.dll” or DWord values usually define the enabled/disabled, existing/inexistent, etc. state of the value. A DWord example could be: "Enabled"=dword:00000001 Hives are structures of a Registry and, in a typical Windows Mobile environment; you will have the following hives:
List of WM Registry Hives
stores information about registered applications, such as file associations and OLE Object Class IDs, tying them to the applications used to handle these items
stores settings that are specific to the currently logged-in user
stores settings that are specific to the local computer/device
contains subkeys corresponding to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys for each user profile actively loaded on the machine, though user hives are usually only loaded for currently logged-in users. This also contains valuable keys related information about different users

Registry editing: principles
Editing your registry basically comes down to a few operations you need to understand: adding, deleting and modifying plus registry import and export.
Most of the times, all editing is done on the values, as they are the ones that have a finality but there are times though when you need to create keys

Adding to the registry is done by creating either one or more values and/or one or more keys. You need to create a value or a key when the specific value or key is not in your device’s registry. You create values and keys using the same method: tap and hold on an empty space, tap on “New” and select “Key” if you want to create a new Key or select one of the “DWord”, “String”, “Multi string” or “Binary” in case you want to create a value, depending on the type of your value to be created. Example!

Deleting from the registry means that you will physically remove something from the registry, so that the reference is no longer to be found. You might be required to do so in cases you want to revert to defaults or undo changes made.

You modify the values of a Registry when you want to alter behavior related to that exact value. Typical scenarios are: enable/disable, path settings, and value settings. Example! Import and Export functionality is important in a Registry Editor application as it allows you to import a registry patch (which consists of several registry keys and values) rather than doing some huge edits yourself, or to Export existing Registry keys and values for several reasons: backing up, moving to other device, etc. Registry editing: direct on-device registry editing
The easiest way to edit your registry is to do it directly, on your device. The advantages are that you can do this any time, any place without the need of wires, connections or a PC. The applications used to edit the Registry this way access the Registry on the device directly and so they save the changes too. These applications are Device applications which install and run on your Device.
Registry editing: remote registry editing
Heavy Registry editing, in cases you need to undertake several changes in the Registry, might require you to use, for ease of work reasons, applications that edit your registry remotely. What does this mean? It means that you will have your device connected via a wire/Bluetooth to a PC through ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center, and the application used to edit the registry will access the Registry from your PC on your device through the connection. These applications usually are PC applications which install and run on your PC.

Ok - I understand - how can I find registry edits?
We have a whole section in our wiki devoted to Registry Edits. Check it out!

Registry editing applications (just some of them, really)
PHM Registry Editor – Popular Stand-alone Windows Mobile Registry Editor for Windows Mobile
CeRegEditor / CeRegEditor – Popular Remote Windows Mobile Registry Editor for Desktop
Dotfred's TaskManager – A Free Task Manager Containing a Registry Editor
Total Commander – The Popular File Explorer Alternative With a Registry Editor Inside

SKTools (pocketnow.com review)
MemMaid (pocketnow.com review)
Resco Explorer (pocketnow.com review)

Word of Warning!
Registry editing can be harmful for your device! Be very careful when editing your registry and always make sure you have a full backup handy just in case!
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Old 05-11-2009, 10:40 PM
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Re: Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

This should be stickied. I'd also like to add a quick (and very similar) tutorial for Mobile Registry Editor for Windows. I use it and it's easier to use than working on your phone. Original HERE

Last edited by BigDiesel07; 11-21-2009 at 05:03 PM.
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Old 05-18-2009, 10:42 AM
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Re: Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

good stuff guys thanx
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 10:54 AM
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Re: Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

Word of Warning!
Registry editing can be harmful for your device! Be very careful when editing your registry and always make sure you have a full backup handy just in case!

Registry editing can also make your device run oh so good.

But good stuff, now if I only had the time...
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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Old 05-18-2009, 11:41 PM
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Re: Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

i wanna change some values like slowing down the scrolling and stopping that damn alert that a message has been sent..... i have the phm registry editor
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2009, 12:40 AM
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Re: Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

Originally Posted by diandgy View Post
i wanna change some values like slowing down the scrolling and stopping that damn alert that a message has been sent..... i have the phm registry editor
you know theres a cab for the mess thing
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2009, 12:50 AM
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Re: Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

is there a way to get a registry and its values for my touch pro??
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2009, 12:57 AM
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Re: Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

Originally Posted by diandgy View Post
is there a way to get a registry and its values for my touch pro??
Yes Di... You need a program to edit the registry.. I uploaded the one I use.. It's called 'Total Commander'... Now what are you looking to edit?
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Old 05-27-2009, 01:29 AM
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Re: Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

Does anyone had the correct registry edit for SCROLL BAR...?
This wm phm reg edit doesnt work on cdma treo pro...
I want to clear up some more space on the today screen...


Navigate to HKey_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\ and tweak the following values.
cyHScr : Horizontal Scrollbars Height in pixels (default is 13)
cxVScr : Vertical Scrollbars Width in pixels (default is 13)

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the problem is i dont see cyHRcr...etc...to edit the default setting 13 to a lower number...i just dont see to phm registry edit...
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Old 05-27-2009, 02:03 AM
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Re: Tutorial- How to edit WM Registry

Try using Total Commander Info... The .Cab is posted above...
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