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Old 05-17-2007, 08:49 AM
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speeding up your 6700

I have seen a lot of talk about speeding up my phone by increasing the glyphcache and the ?cache but some say do this, some say increase here, anyone know what the difference in these are or what they really do? If its even worth it. These are the 3 reg edits I have seen to change...

HKLM/system/GDI/GLYPHCACHE/limit from 8192 to 16384 (related to the next to reg edits?)

HKLM/system/Storagemanager/FATFS/CacheSize from 0 to 4096 or 8192 or 16384

HKLM/system/storagemanager/Filters/fsreplxfilt/cachesize from 0 to 4096 or 8192 or 16384 (should this be the same as the FATFS number?)
is it that obvious?
WM6.1 + GPS = now i can tell my wife I know where we are lost
Thank me

  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2007, 03:17 PM
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I have recently been using Colonel rom and did notice a considerable increased setting compared to BigJ rom.
I have noticed occasional freezing on my unit, mostly when receiving call or picmail, but did not want to loose speed so I did not lower to lowest amount.
4096 works perfect for me for both the cachesize and yes I like to keep both same amount.

As for the GDI/GLYPHCACHE, that's more a personal choice.
Remember all these settings depends on how your unit can handle it without freezing.

And remember to have cache on:
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