Disable Wifi / Bluetooth so user cannot turn on..?
Been trying to figure this one out.... figured I'll ask the hive mind.
I'm going to be working with about 100ish 6800's here shortly. We have static IP's from the vendor that port into our firewall to allow access to some restricted material.
As a security measure, I was asked to disable Bluetooth & Wifi on the devices so that a user cannot turn them on.
I have been searching for a way to do this in the registry with no luck... seems that no matter what I change, the second I hit the "wifi" button on the side - it finds several wifi access points.
I realize that a registry edit can be un-done by simply doing a hard-reset on the device - however if they do a hard reset, they will also erase the software on the device that allows access to the sensative data... so it becomes a moot point - it would have to come back to me to be reprogrammed.
Any suggestions on how to kill wifi and bluetooth on these devices?