Re: Disable call history?
Easiest thing I can think of is writing a batch file that delets the call history either on a schedule (MortScript?) or whenever the phone is soft booted (in the Startup folder.) Is the call log a file? Maybe making it read only will keep it from being created...
Re: Disable call history?
Thanks for the reply.
I think that the call logs are stored as a part of a bigger file? So making it read-only wont work. I've also tried running Memaid to delete the call logs (and then subsebquently having that run each time i woke the device up) but the program does not recognize the logs. Is there any other software that has this sort of functionality? Looks like SKTools does, but i dont like the idea of $15 for 1 small (in my opinion anyways) tweak. The only thing that i can think of is that it is something that is device specific (Memaid not recognizing my logs anyways) as the registry tweak to change the size of records in the call log does not work either. Replys are extremely welcome, as even with the device lock, my phone still loves to call the last person i rang whilst still in my pocket. Cheers, Mike. |