Originally Posted by michaelk
i beleive the server needs to be able to send that data so nothing you can do on your phone is going to make a 2003 server be able to send html via exchange activesync. It just cant. At least that's my understanding.
I assume the other things require the server to be able to do it also.
I'm not looking for the exchange server (03 or 07) to do anything, not even connecting to it.
I'm looking to override the lock on the features the PPC already has.
All the features I listed are on the PPC, (etc flags, html, fetch mail etc.)
All the server does is unlock all of the said pre-exisitng features.
Microsoft purposely locks these, again pre-exsisting (Some are greyed out) features on the PPC for exclusive use with Exchange Server 2007.
If there was a way to disable the check, all of the options would open for every account.