Can't find audiopara3 file...need help please!.
Hello to all. I'm sure this has been posted before but have looked and can't seem to quite find what I'm looking for. I'm a newb here and to the ROM and tweaks thing. I have a Touch Pro that I find the earpiece and speakerphone volume just isn't loud enough for me. I have seen some of the info on copying a tweaked audiopara3.csv file to make the earpiece volume louder. My problem is I can't find the file to begin with. I've looked all through my devices windows folder etc, and can't find it. Can someone tell me exactly where to find it? Do I have to use something like total file commander or other registry explorer programs to find it if it's hidden??? Do I need to find the file at all...and just copy a tweaked or hacked audiopara3.csv file into anywhere in windows file??? Need help please.
I don't know what all info you all need, I'm using a Sprint HTC Touch Pro with WM 6.1
Radio version is: 1.03.15F and the ROM version is: 1.03.651.4
Please let me know if I'm missing info you guys need. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Oh, I also have the reg edit program on my phone.