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Old 12-08-2007, 07:11 PM
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Post Registry Tweaks Posted to FTP

Hi everyone,

I know that many people post threads on this same topic, but I wanted to announce that I have taken some time to post and document all of the registry tweaks that I make on my Mogul to the FTP site.

The 1st_ReadMe.txt file is the documentation of what each tweak does-- in both descriptive format and the registry values changed.

I have posted the files in both .reg and .cab formats. The .reg files are useful for those who want to tweak the settings first for your own use. The .cab files are useful for users who just want to install them quickly, without hassle.

For those who want to customize the .cab versions, here's the process:

1. Save the CAB file to your desktop (or other convenient location).
2. Use WinZip or other utility to extract the _setup.xml file.
3. Edit the _setup.xml file with any text editing program (notepad is great).
4. Use the cabarc.exe utility to recompress the _setup.xml with the following command:
cabarc n cabname.cab _setup.xml
5. Move your cab over to your phone and click on it to install.
6. Wait approximately 60 seconds and reboot (soft reset) your phone.

WARNING: I have only tested these patches on the HTC Titan (Mogul) phone. If you install them on other phones and they screw up your settings, just uninstall the patches (if you used the .cab versions) or hard reset your phone.

If any of the .cab files do not install for your (error during install), please let me know, and I will fix the .cab.

Finally, I will continue to post patches in the future as they become relevant to me, although I'm willing to do requests as time permits.

Best Regards,

PS-- In case you don't have makecab.exe and cabarc.exe, I have attached the files. Just extract the ZIP file and put the files in the Windows directory on your desktop/laptop system.
Attached Files
File Type: zip CAB Command Line Tool.zip (220.2 KB, 68 views) Click for barcode!
--Someday, bringing GoodThings2Life will become a Paradigm!--

Last edited by GoodThings2Life; 12-08-2007 at 10:58 PM.
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