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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 11:00 AM
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Re: Gain 37MB of RAM by disabling the native WM6.5(.x)start menu ! !

Tried it and it didnt work. oh well
Kiss my grits
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2010, 09:40 AM
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Re: Gain 37MB of RAM by disabling the native WM6.5(.x)start menu ! !

This hack is a revelation, especially with overclocking and Sense disabled. After working through a few quirks, my TP2 is a rocket ship now. Seems like Quick Menu is finally ready for prime time after having problems with it last year. Love it.

BTW, this post at XDA has some usefull add-ons for this hack like re-enabling the x-button and all of the control panel shortcuts.

31st August 2010, 03:13 PM
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mod for more memory
okie guys
found the best working solution for 23xxx (dont have 21xxx on hd so not tested so wont post for now. will test first and then post). u loose nothing.. just 3 cabs to install and arcswitch activation field to calibrate and you r done

thanks to colossus for finding this great mod.

three cabs first.

one is the cab posted by colossus
Arto Start menu Remover wm6.5.x cab removes the 6.5 menu.

second cab is the new menu (remember quick menu that nrgz28 used earlier?)
so quick menu cab.
*u can even use panoramic launchpad. its a paid app. procedure remains same. use either or.

third cab also posted by colossus
enable X button.

now the process.

1. go to arkswitch, menu/ activation field and reduce the activation area from left.. atleast from under hTC printed logo above screen. save.

2. install quick menu cab. check if quickmenu is working. there r few settings in quick menu which u can do as per ur requirements.

go in quick menu/options

few settings
1. enable auto start
view tab
2. enable Q on taskbar only required if u want to have some extra icon visible for quick menu.
3. menu item edge 10 -- or as per your choice for finger friendly operation
4. background image.. i use GTX so i have selected no back ground image and it looks fine.
5. cache background image.. no cache. saves extra memory.

there r lot more settings that u can try and enjoy.
soft reset to see if quick menu stays.
3. install arto start menu remover 6.5.x cab.

reset as asked.

4. get start button back thanks to dkp1977

using registry editor

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Bubble Tiles]
"hardwarestartkeyenabled" =dword:00000001

This key needs to be set to 0. reset. That will bring back the start menu button...

go to x-button settings (ameba) and slide the start button short press function and select enable quick menu

*for panoramic launchpad, u will have to slide it to allow u to run app and from device memory/program files/panoramic/launchpad.exe
could be different if u have chosen diff memory..

5. install X-button cab

right now i have 96 mb ram.. and full menu with folders.....

thanks colossus a lot for all your effort... worth it....


tested properly. everything works. no issues.. memory is stable at 90 MB after constant use around 3 hours. earlier it would go to 55 - 60 mb.

quick menu in german for german roms. tested by dkp1977


screen shots / cabs attached.

the shortcuts to the Settings.... by colossus

unzip the file and copy the folder ControPanel_shotcuts to \windows\start menu\Programs.

Then after softreset you will have all the settings in quick menu in the folder ControPanel_shotcuts.

Or you can add the settings you want as quicklinks in cookie quicklinks.
Attached Files
File Type: cab X-button enabler 2.cab (2.2 KB, 38 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: rar ControPanel_shotcuts.rar (4.0 KB, 30 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by aldamon; 09-21-2010 at 10:28 AM.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 12:47 AM
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Re: Gain 37MB of RAM by disabling the native WM6.5(.x)start menu ! !

NRGZ has recently added this feature in his ENERGY ROMs (last few releases), if you like Energy you can find it ready in energy ROMs , if you like a different ROM , just install cab(s) in post 1 and 12 if you use 6.5.xx.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Hacks/Tweaks

disable start menu, fast, ram, wm6.5, wm6.5.xx

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