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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 11:31 PM
jeffg's Avatar
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Cool Any cab available yet for getting office to landscape on hd2?

Please help! I have owned t-mobile winmo phones since the MDA, Wing, and TP2. I have always had a keyboard and do extensive hioghspeed note-taking in Word. I am a T-Mo dealer who is getting the HD2 (have demo now) but Ofiice wont go into landscape (appalling, isn't it). I have never attempted to tweak my phones or edit registries, and it is my understandinng that all the existing cabs (gyrator) etc will only work on ppc's with a stylus?!? sounds kinda funky, but whtevr. The only fixI can find are some VERY vague instructions about editing the registry, something I really don't want to get into. (But i will if thats the only option) I would show monetary appreciation for a cab that will do it for me auto-style, but if detailed instructions on registry modding is all I can get, so be it. Thanks in advance for ur help, and like I said, I will be selling the blankity blank out of these things to real power users soon, so I can send people ur way who are willing to throw some duckets your way for a cab, 'cause I know I am not the only one in my boat.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 06:05 AM
daver38's Avatar
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Re: Any cab available yet for getting office to landscape on hd2?

Hi, Ihave the hD2 and have enabled rotation on Word, Excel etc using BSB tweaks, excellent program which allows alll manner of tweaks, including adding rotation to any application, even Adobe!
Attached Files
File Type: cab BsB Tweaks 1.6.cab (260.7 KB, 25 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by daver38; 03-26-2010 at 06:16 AM.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Hacks/Tweaks

hd2, landscape, office

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