The current draw with an idle, connected EVDO session is exactly the same (read that again) as when disconnected. However, the current draw during the EVDO session setup is 10 times higher, and lasts 5 seconds longer, then the draw to come out of standby. So sure, if you never use your data, turn it off. If you are checking email 24 times a day, and getting 12 weather updates, you will lose by turning it off. |
Description of Tweaks?
This thread is months old and constantly active as far as I can tell so a sticky seems like a good idea so all us noobs don't need to sift through the hundreds of posts just to find a few useful files. PS: Thanks for the files, I just can't be happy with something til I hack, tweak or personalize it in some way. Thanks for the hard work, you guys rock. |
Im looking to change my left & right softkeys but have not sure on how to go about doing that
**just found the link in 1st post ** Last edited by TReeSCHMoKiN; 01-06-2008 at 12:37 PM. |
A2DP_BT Tweak: Helps improve quality of BlueTooth headsets, Mainly Stereo headphone sets for music purposes Changes some bitrate settings (No downside has ever been found to this tweak) Battery&Performance Tweak: Allows the phone to put some hardware into a low power state (kinda like in windows how it can "Turn the device off to save power" And the Performance tweak as far as I remember is just changing the cache sizes to help browsing the phone a lil faster (The Cache tweaks can cause a little lower free ram, But were looking at around 1mb here so Its pretty well worth it) MMSSizeTweak: Fixes the settings for MMS to match sprint's systems, Helps prevent an error msg about size when attempting to send MMS messages to people NoSMSSentMSG: This just disables that SMS Sent notification every time you txt someone TitleBarDate: Makes the data in the title bar 2 lines, Much more usefull (no sideeffects as this is just a cosmetic change) UnlockPhone tweak: This disables checking of security credentials when installing non trusted programs... (Nearly everything is non trusted these days according to MSFT, So this is kinda like shutting off that UAC crap in vista, Well worth it) VideoRecordingEnhancements: Just ups the bitrate on recorded videos so they are not so crap looking, (Mogul camera isnt too good for videos, this one is aimed to try and help that) All the regedits are safe, and Id strongly recommend them to anyone, They definately help, and there is no real downside to using them at all...
Current Device: Palm Pre
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I know there has to be a way to do it but I don't know how; I want to add items to the today screen since I cleared off all of the useless factory ones. I tether my phone at home and it works great for me so I would like to add Internet sharing to it. I'd also like to link straight to memory in settings(unless someone can give me a workable x out cab, cause the one I tried didn't work) so I can close out background programs more quickly to free up processing power. It would also be useful for me to add the comm manager button for cutting off #777 since I have wi-fi at work, I have the unlimited plan but until REV A comes out for the Mogul(its already in place here in St. Louis according to Sprints website) wi-fi should be faster right?
Here is a cab that will give you an icon to get you right to the running programs in settings.
I use it all the time to shut down programs... |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Since I installed the Ultra cab active sync doesn't work, which is fine by me, but how do I get into my phone via pc now? I guess the unlock phone tweak is what did it. I'll be more than happy to get rid of active sync altogether as PIM will do all I need. I just like the explore/mobile device function of it other than that its just a pain in my @ss interfering with tethering.