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Old 01-12-2010, 10:43 PM
xv6700man60's Avatar
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XV6700 transfer to a sim card

I currently have an xv6700 with Verizon. I wanted to upgrade to a Blackberry storm. Verizon told me that to get the package deal they offer on the storm I would have to agree to a e-mail and data package for an additional $30 a month. I did want to do that because I don't need a data and e-mail package. I do not use use data and e-mail on my xv6700 and therefore can't justify the expense. Verizon did tell me that if I bought my own phone then they would activate it with out the e-mail and data package. So I went and bought a used Blackberry storm. When I called Verizon to activate it I was told that I had to have the e-mail and data package and they wouldn't activate the phone otherwise. They said it was because all smart phones manufactured after November of 2008 are always Internet connected and therefore you're always using Verizon's bandwidth and therefore they have to charge you for it. I called Blackberry and they told me that what Verizon said was not true. The storm could be configured so as not to be always on the Internet. When I called Verizon back they admitted it but refused to set me up with a non-e-mail and data package anyway.
My question is this. Is there a way to transfer my XV6700 Verizon connection information to a sim card using a sim card writer and my PC. The Blackberry storm has a sim card. I was told by Blackberry that if I unlock it then I can use it on any carrier if I had the sim card with the carriers information on it. I would like to just transfer my XV6700 info to the Blackberry and be done with it. So is there a way to do that.
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