Listing a program in Start menu deletes the shortcut from Program folder?
In Win Mo 6.1, listing a program in the Window's native drop-down Start menu (the one that appears when you press the Windows flag in the upper left-hand corner) removes the shortcut icon from the Program folder.
It looks like it was designed this way by Microsoft - the "Menus" screen direction says "Checked items appear in the Start menu. Others appear in Programs."
This in and of itself is not a huge problem, since all you need is one place to launch the program from, not two.
But, it creates an issue with Spb Mobile Shell.
When I add a program in the Spb MS launcher and then later lists it in the Windows' drop-down Start menu (thus removing it from the Program folder), then the link in the Spb MS launcher gets broken.
Is there any way around this?