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Old 09-24-2007, 10:04 PM
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Scheduled programs can't run


I'm currently using a HTC prophet (dopod 818pro) with WM5 and ROM 2.2.

The problem I'm facing is that, I am unable to run any programs that require a scheduled action. Let me explain what I mean:

I've tried installing at least three alarm clock programs (one at a time of course) and set it to ring an alarm at a certain time. Manual testing of the alarm works but when I set it to the next day, it never works and returns an error of "Cannot execute /Storage Card/Alarm/<name of exe file>". The inbuilt alarm function works fine.

I tried scheduling my phone back up using the free PIMbackup, setting it to run everyday but it would show "cannot execute /<path>/<name of exe>" once and then subsequently not show this message nor run the exe at all.

The same problem happens when I use a today background changer.

Any experts have any idea why this is happening?
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