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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2007, 03:36 PM
scoobywho's Avatar
Pocket PC: Mogul 6800
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internet low on memory when phone has tons

ok firs i want to thank the genius behind the youtube viewing on the ppc straight from the website also the 2nd genius who made the free instant messanger shhhhhh and the genius behind the sendng pics hack lol wow i have everything on my mogul and i jut baught it 5 days ago from my advantage club line at my job... ok back on topic ... everytime i try and go to my favorite website for upcoming music producers www.rocbattle.com i get a message from my mogul that my phone is seriosly low on memoy space ...then a list of programs come up if i am using somethin like messaging or pics after i close any extra programs i am using the last program is my internet explorer and it forces me to close it.... i have cleaned out all my internal memory so i have tons but the phone reads like im still low... maybe because my files go to a temporary deltion folders ... i dont know i need help also since this website also finds solution i got two question of possibility.. . A is it possible to stop your ringtone if you set an mp3 as your text messanging sound.? or is this no possible? i hste having to mute and wait till the song is done playing there has to be a stop some were ... last question is ... on the website www.rocbattle.com on the a laptop or desktop you can listen to beats and music straight from the website but on my ppc its says"this has been relace by flas media" when essential its audio! is there a way to stream or blisten to my beats from the webpage on my ppc pllllllleeeeeaaassee help me ppc geeks my email is scoobywhoproductions@gmail.com just incase i dont get to the site thank you in advance guys
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