vb.net console application question.
I am under the assumption that when creating an application, if you choose to use a standard application with a form, it will be closed if you choose to close all running applications or if you use the [close all] button in spb pocket plus. To get around this im trying to write a console application. My problem is im completely new to writing console applications, and am having a rough time keeping my program running. Im sure this is a newbie question, but anyone who has the simple answer please reply. Here is some sample code with all the extra procedure code cleaned out to explain what i want to do.
Imports Microsoft.WindowsMobile
Imports Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status
Imports Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook
Module Module1
Friend WithEvents DisplayRotation As New SystemState(SystemProperty.DisplayRotation)
Sub Main()
here i simply want to wait, untill the event DIsplayRotation is fired, which will automatically call the sub below. I just need it to wait for it.
End Sub
Sub CheckDisplayRotation(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As ChangeEventArgs) Handles DisplayRotation.Changed
End Sub
End Module