I have an HTC Mogul 6800 which recently completely froze up and needed to go in for repairs. When I got it back, they had erased two applications I had added (one for picture mail and one for watching videos on youtube/googl video, etc.). At any rate, I reinstalled those and while searching this site I found a post about the five best free application downloads for my phone (only 3 were listed, with the other two promised to be posted at a later date), one of them being Windows Live Search. It's great, except I've noticed that since downloading it, whenever I text someone, my phone keeps a running thread in my Inbox of every message sent and recived with each person I text. So, basically, I send a message, it saves the individual message in the Sent Items folder and it also saves a copy of the entire conversation thread in my Inbox. I'm assuming this has something to do with the Windows Live Search, since it never hapened before with the other applications. I've been searching all over this site and I can't seem to find the post that I originally found the info for downloading that particular application, so I can't ask the poster how to make that stop with my texting. Does anyone have any suggestions that may help, short of uninstalling Windows Live Search? Having it keep copies of every sent and received message in my Inbox is REALLY annoying!