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Old 02-28-2007, 06:46 PM
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Push Email Testing Suggestion

This was from vinconti and I think that there is merit to the suggestion.

Do you think it would be helpful for you guys to have admin access to an exchange server? I would be willing to donate a separate mailstore on mine to this project, if it is needed.

Also, I wanted to let you all know about one very serious bug.... on the R2 release, if you attempt to download a huge email with embedded (not attached) pictures (other huge emails might do it too, but I only tried one with pics), it will show different .dat files as an attachment (which is, of course, sort of right) but upon attempting to download them, it will fail and the PPC flags ALL the messages that it syncs with some really wierd I can't figure out. So, if you have it set to d/l 2 weeks, it does 2 weeks, and if 1 month, it will flag the last month of your emails, and so on.

The result of this flag is weird. It doesn't seem to affect Outlook Client or Pocket Outlook, but it DOES affect Outlook web access, and you can't see those emails anymore. To fix this problem, you have to run the Exchange tool to de-associate the mobile device with the user (Activesync won't do it, you need admin access to the server).

The Colonel custom build alters this bug in an interesting way. His build still won't d/l the .dat emails, but it also won't corrupt the mailstore. However, at least for me, his introduces a new bug. If I don't make sure all my OTA syncs are small, then the PPC will crash and require a hard reset, otherwise it will hang at the boot screen (ala loading up the extrom with too much stuff). I have 10-20 appointments per day for the next several months, so if I set it to sync more than 2 weeks previous, it will hang on the calendar sync alone. Similarly if I tell it to download a whole month of email on the first go. If I piecemeal it, and interatively set it to download more and more each sync, it will work.

Last issue. I tested internet sharing versus wireless modem every day over the course of a week, via broadbandreports and cnet bandwidth tester, and wireless modem was consistently 10-20% faster. I would vote to keep it in.

Let me know if you think a test server would be helpful

I think having an exchange server would be a good thing to test on. What does the majority think?
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Old 02-28-2007, 07:36 PM
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I completely agree.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2007, 09:24 PM
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ok lemme know

i will clean house but if you all think it is worth it and think you might use it, let me know if you want individual usernames (so you can trak your own work) or one collective one would be ok.

Since this is a production server (well, for one user; me) if you don't mind I am going to give quasi-admin access to include the test mailstore but not the production store
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Old 03-01-2007, 09:45 PM
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running your own exchange server.... just for your email. Now that's stones.

I have no way to test push email, so it makes sense - we could set up mailtoweb accounts, but you cant see what's happening on the exchange side with those
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2007, 12:19 AM
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until I figure out how to restrict mail delivery to just my own domain, or other certain domains we specifiy, I am not going to publicly post the username and password for spam blacklisting reasons (I actually know how to do it but it takes more than the thirty seconds I have time for right now) so if you want a username then let me know by pm
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