Threaded SMS Hiding Apps - Why They dont Work?
I've been using CodyPPC's Threaded SMS App for awhile now and its great. I know most people on this site are asking for SMS Hiding Apps. The thing is from what I can tell.. none of the apps out there can handle hiding an entire threaded SMS conversation. Most of the programs can hide your Inbox and your sent messages as long as you do no have a Threaded app installed on the device.
Most of the posters on this site either have a threaded app or have threaded SMS through WM 6.1. So what about the money you have already spent on threading SMS hiding apps?
There are alot of great developers on this site. Could you guys possibly get together and work on a program that would allow hiding of threaded SMS conversation?
Just a thought. Is anyone else interested?
Phone History (last 2yrs or less): Sanyo5500>Sanyo8300>SamsungA920>Moto i930>Moto i870>Moto Q>The Mogul & a iC902> Touch Pro & iC902>Touch Pro and a Palm Pre> just a Pre for now>>HTC EVO (white)!

Last edited by shaun0207; 03-10-2009 at 10:46 AM.