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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2008, 10:33 PM
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Lightbulb This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

I have been trying to work on something that will enable some sort of Haptic feed back on my XV6800. The Haptic feed back is a feature that enables vibration to the screen when you press on the screen. Such as the Voyager.

I dont intend to try and make this just to work with the XV6800 but for ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices and if it can others too.

There is a feature on my phone and on many others that allows our phones to play a sound when the screen is taped. I thought of an idea of why not replace the sound with vibration?

There is already a CAB out there that changes the dial tone into a vibration feedback ( when you press the dial buttons ) but it doesnt do much for the rest of the applications or screen.

So far I have been working on this for a couple of days but havent had much time to put much effort into it.

I was hoping that some developers / hackers can help out the cause and help develope or create a feature that enables this on ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices.

If I do find a way to do this I'll post my findings here and as many places to inform users of this find, but any help to make this a reality would be gladly appreciated
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2008, 11:12 PM
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Re: This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

I'm not a developer, however, I am very curious as what would be gained from this? I guess my question is, why would someone want their device to vibrate every time the screen is tapped?
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:24 PM
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Re: This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

Originally Posted by Pibe38 View Post
I'm not a developer, however, I am very curious as what would be gained from this? I guess my question is, why would someone want their device to vibrate every time the screen is tapped?

The reason I find this useful and others too is that sometimes when you press the screen it usually doesn't input what ever you pressed. (you might need to press down harder) this will get acknowledgment that you did press the screen correctly with out having to pound the screen.

I know HTC Touch users might like this or need this. Many Touch Screen users complain that the buttons on things aren't BIG enough or that it is not friendly to their fingers.

Well now any HTC Device or any Touch screen device will be finger friendly if we combine the use of software that enlarges the buttons or start menus with the use of Haptic feed back. With out having to pull out a stylus all the time.

Last edited by c@rL0$; 02-23-2008 at 11:53 PM.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2008, 02:25 PM
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Re: This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

that would help the fact of getting ackknowledgement but what happens to battery life ?? it might kill battery life
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2008, 04:04 PM
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Re: This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

Originally Posted by frankiefo0ter View Post
that would help the fact of getting ackknowledgement but what happens to battery life ?? it might kill battery life
I have thought about that already. This feauture might drain down your battery if used extensively but I thought of a way to turn it on or off that way you can use it when you want or when you don't.

There is a function on our phones in the sounds and notifications area that enables sounds when we tap the screen. I was thinking of just finding a way to replace sound reproduction with a slightly vibration.

And with this option you can always go to the sounds and notifications area and turn it off and on from the Screen Taps section if you want to preserve your battery or for other reasons.
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Old 02-26-2008, 10:45 PM
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Re: This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

This sounds like a project that needs to be "done" to see if in fact it is feasible... i turn off the sound because it is annoying and in fact there are times when it, the sound would be helpful. Something on the HTC Touch today screen or sitting in the system tray for ease of use might be handy...
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-29-2008, 08:08 PM
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Re: This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

yeah, i've noticed the flaw with touchscreens too, the touch sound isn't the best notificatin for a tap, but shoot, touchscreens barely recognize the fingertip, so i always end up using my fingernail.

i'm looking forward to this.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2008, 09:45 PM
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Re: This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

well hell, i'm not a developer, but if you create it, i'd be glad to test it.
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Old 03-12-2008, 10:01 PM
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Re: This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

My dad has the voyager and I like the little vibrate that it does. For those of you that haven't had the experience of playing with the Voyager, it vibrates about half the strength as when the Mogul vibrates when you touch the screen.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2008, 05:21 PM
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Re: This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

I disabled the screen tap sounds on my mogul b/c there was a delay while it accessed the sound driver. Now the phone keeps up with my dialing.
the vibrate might be a good idea as it may not have a delay like the sound.
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