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Old 04-04-2011, 09:49 AM
suraj18's Avatar
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Question Is it a memory leak in GENE (P3400i)


i am using P3400i windows Mobile 6 Professional CE OS 5.2.1622 (Build 18128.0.4.4) and i am getting a weird problem after using a while the device hangs and operates very slowly..... when i open my messages it hangs for a while and when i minimize it and go to the memory options there i can see that the program memory is increasing and decreasing again and again it continues until i softreset the device...... i tried hard resetting the device where everything is gone no messages nothing and noe it works fine, but when i restore my messages and try to use my message application to mesage... oll over happens again..... i dont no whether it is memory leak situation or not ..... i've around 30,000 messages including inbox sentbox.... i thought this is the problem but how it can be?? i thought may be its a virus thingy then i used dotfred's task manager to view the processes running in background but i couldn't find out the suspicious process i can say that because i am a computer student and i've some knowledge about the process..... then i installed antivirus hoping may be it is hidden process but no it detects nothing... i also tried to upgrade the ROM but stopped myself as i am novice in these flashing the ROM area and confuse in which ROM to use as i dont want to brick my device.. is there anybody who can help me with this ?? i love my GENE device very much....

and do anyone have official ROM which can go with my GENE? as i no P3400i has no upgrades officially but custom ROMs...

GENE specifications:

ONBL 1.17.0000
SPL 1.17.0000
GSM 02.79.90

ROM version : 1.17.720.1 WWE
ROM date : 03/07/08
Radio version : 02.79.90
Protocol version :
ExtRom version : 1.17.720.101
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Development

gene, memory leak, p3400i

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