Ok, mods feel free to move this to the appropriate forums.
i figured the other weatherpanel forum is dead, and i see a lot of people asking for customized weatherpanel today screen without much help,. so i posted here as i'd like to help those that want more out of the today screen without taking up a lot of space. i'm more interested in current weather on the today screen, not long-term data.
Im also creating a plugin that replaces the HTC weather plugin, since i consider the HTC weather pretty useless as you have to constantly manually update and wait to see the current data.
briefly, i am taking request for custom today plugins for weatherpanel.. again, i am only creating compact today plugins so please keep that in mind, and i can only test them on my 240x320 touch. list what you want to see it and how many lines you're looking for.
IMHO you should rename the zip files or just # them (i.e., Simple1 Simple2 etc.). Make things easier when browsing the attached link.
BTW ultracompact is nice.
I would like to request a 3-4 line today plugging that is all radar just one touchable sized button to get to settings and tap the middle of the radar to get to all the additional information. Dose that make any since?