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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2010, 12:24 PM
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Mods for Fascinate vs Epic

As a proud Epic owner I have been voraciously learning everything I can about my phone, but now there is a Fascinate owner in the family, and I noticed that there's not much conversation over here. How much of what works on / applies to the Epic will work on / apply to the Fascinate? I am just now going to try and root the Fascinate and install Clockworkmod Recovery, but some things are different. For example the Fascinate doesn't have a camera button. How do you boot into Clockworkmod? How do you boot into stock recovery for that matter. I suppose I should do some reading on other sites like XDA and Android Central, but I just wanted to know if there are any other Epic owners out there that are experimenting with the Fascinate as well, and how they compare.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2010, 08:11 PM
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Re: Mods for Fascinate vs Epic

A lot of the hacks and tweaks between devices will work, however, they have to be ported from one device to the other. You can't just take a mod from the Fascinate or Epic, and put it on the other device as the minor hardware differences prevent direct transfer.
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