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Old 03-07-2011, 09:22 PM
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Cookies Home Tab 2.0 Quick Links Dilemma

I didn't understand the significance of the Quick Links limitations until I started working with them in CHT 2.0. I'm hoping to learn from those who have gone through this process and what they ended up doing and why.

Quick Links are for all intents and purposes in a level by themselves.
1. One can specify how many rows of Quick Links to make visible on a level, but then all pages on that level can only show that many rows.

2. Showing Quick Links on more than one level doesn't make a lot of sense because they are the same links. You cannot have a separate set of Quick Links for each level.

Option 1
a. Set it up the main level to not show any Quick Link rows, and use only Free Links
b. Fill the lower level with Quick Links.
c. Place the Music Player in the upper level above the Clock, and free links on the pages left and right.

Option 2
a. Have Quick Links fill the page on the main level, but check "Don't display empty links". I might pick up a problem when click or swiping in the clock calendar are to where it might pop up asking me which program I want to assign to the Quick Link I inadvertently pressed.
b. Turn off all but the main level. That would give left and right scrolling only. I could still have up to 72 usable Quick Links that way. The Sense slider and WM 6.5 task bar tell you what you need to know already, and are tied to the apps you need. Other than the Music Player, I have not found any useful widgets. I only need one clock, and I don't see anything that I don't already have, such as complete comm center for turning on and off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Internet sharing, Wi-Fi hotspot, etc, or a TV widget, etc. When I followed the dev tool link, they were no longer available without some registration process. I don't see much going on in the widget development area, so pretty much I need to work with what I have.

What are your thoughts? How did you handle this dilemma?

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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2 > TP2 Themes & Software

2.0, cht, cookies home tab, quick links

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