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Old 06-21-2010, 11:50 PM
raz1337's Avatar
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A few questions

I've been searching these forums and XDA, but things are getting confusing when going through threads but got a few quirks to work out with my TP2. It's running WM 6.5 and Sense 2.1. I just received it a month ago.

First, I'm trying to find a decent music player that handles mp3s/m4as. I'm using this phone to replace my iPod. Nitrogen seems to not work at all. Coreplayer feels too much like an all encompassing media player to feel like a more lightweight music player. I have TCPMP installed but it has the same effect as coreplayer. WinampAQ didn't want to start either.

Next, how can I customize my start menu to make things quicker to get to? It has a million programs in it, but there are only a handful I use on a day to day basis. Where's my quick start?!

Also, I spent some time customizing my taskbar to include the 1% battery increments, but I'm currently using a taskbar with weird icons that are just awkward. Was there a taskbar around somewhere that's like or close to the default one, but with the 7 bars and 1% battery increments?

Now that I got the barrage of questions out of the way. I love this phone, and I've spent the last few weeks obsessing over reading the forums on how to customize it. I've searched this and the XDA forum, but sometimes you just can't find what you're looking for.
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