Hi everyone!
Here is a skin I made for the "Full QWERTY" SIP. Only the portrait mode is skinned. I am running on MightyROM from 02-10-10 so these files are from the EzInput version in that ROM.
To install:
1. Download the .zip file and extract the folder.
2. Backup the 7 files found in the folder. (Come on, it takes like an extra few minutes and they are all found in the Windows directory of the phone)
2a. Rename the SIPBitmaps.dll to SIPBitmaps.dll.bak if you can.
3. Simply transfer the 7 files into the Windows directory of your phone.
4. Soft reset and enjoy!
ANYONE can do whatever they want to these files and edit them to their liking. Remember though you can't simply change the .png files, you would also have to edit some files in the .dll but there are only a few. If anyone finds out how to change the font color from black to white I will be extremely grateful!