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tillieray 06-05-2008 03:19 PM

Re: colonels custom rom?

Originally Posted by colonel (Post 284663)
Always around. But now, you can make your own roms that are just as good with the ppckitchen stuff.

hey colonel, i wanted to start building my own rom, so i download everything and open everything, but when i click build rom button, the donate icon box keeps popping up, after i donated twice, then when i click the X on the box, it saids ROM folder does not exists, what am I doing wrong?

Blu3Fr0g 06-11-2008 08:32 PM

Re: colonels custom rom?

Originally Posted by colonel (Post 301410)

To get he icons, you need to replace some dlls. This can be done with the kitchen as anything in my rom can.

If you really want something that is premade, join the chat in my signature and I can point you in the direction of a rom. I just dont put anything up right now because its all available in the kitchen.

If I needed to do it without actually customizing the rom, could it be done with a standard installer or by copying the files and resetting the device?

Claude9039u 06-11-2008 09:57 PM

Re: colonels custom rom?
Come one colonel please a new rom from my sir I went looking for you in the chat several time cant find you.

knewBee4lyfe 06-15-2008 05:06 PM

Re: colonels custom rom?
yo colonel... its me again.

I started up your mar14 rom. first things first great job... with out you or any of the other cooks out there, i dont think i would have looked at a pda phone the same.

now... my thoughts on the new rom. (sorry to be the guy that sounds ungrateful)

i think its too much. i mean all the programs in there are dope but its too much. cuz its hella lagging my phone.

is there any way of my text messages not being read to me when my bt headset isn't connected?

my infrared port isn't working...

i over clocked... but im really scared of doing so... and its still lags or completely shuts down the PIE.

for some weird reason when i switch on my wifi... and click on wlan... it doesn't work. it tries to turn on and then it shuts of. (same w/ the beam)

im going to try to re-install it. but... from the oct-now cook... my wifi hasn't worked.

oh is there any possible way to get telenav back on it... i liked hearing that out loud. i tried dling it myself. but its the version that needs the external gps.

the big bugg is that i can't use my remote program anymore bc of the IR thing and the LAAAGGG.... lol... kinda gotten used to not being able to wifi. its a battery drainer anyways.

well... if this will prove useful to better the mar14 program. it would be cool...

but basically its the only program i trust that has the rev a settings in it. but really dont matter if it still can't process worth dukakas. thanks colonel... and im still loving your work for the most part.

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