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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2008, 09:08 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!

Oh My God!!!!!! I would like to thank you for this post!!!! I had tha boot loader screen and was goin nuts cuz I could not get it back up on my newly flashed HTC Mogul. I initially ran tha RUU_TITAN_SPRINT and it keep me on tha boot load screen!!!!! I downloaded titan_exitbl rar and it reloaded and everthing thing came back up! It does say that I am using Alltell and everything was gone... Plus my pics arent comin thru and my text are super delayed.... I am gonna try a couple other things out and keep you posted but still thanks again!!!!

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
The Titan is different than most other PPCs in many ways, but one is the key to exiting the bootloader. Most devices you connect to it with mtty and run the command "set 14 0" then reset (task 8 works). On the Titan/Mogul/6800 the command is "set 16 0".

Now the good news for those who don't want to go the mtty route. I have modified the uni_exitbootloader program with this change so that it will work on the titan.

Connect phone to USB port, disable activesync and run the exe. If you need more info search for the other stuck in bootloader threads. There are already many tutorials out there for this process, but this is the only tool with the special Titan exit code.

get it here:
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2008, 04:51 AM
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Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!

my moto Q is stuck in flash mode,bootloader version,boot c 03.08.00r mpap.what do i do
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2008, 08:11 PM
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Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!

Originally Posted by gdemi View Post
my moto Q is stuck in flash mode,bootloader version,boot c 03.08.00r mpap.what do i do
Press and hold A and enter while powering on will allow u to flash a new rom.
All ROM's and OEM's can be located here


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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 07:03 PM
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Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!

I am stuck in bootloader - and Yes i have tried all of the tings listed in this thread - my phone is reading usb but activesync is not reading it. it is connecting to my comp like a flash drive. please help i need to take this back.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2009, 08:48 PM
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Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!


you save me
god bless you
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2009, 04:21 AM
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Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!

I followed the instructions for the unlocker. I am stuck in the 3 color screen. I disabled the active sync. (it actually disconnected while I was installing the unlocker- not the cable but the program just unsynced). I tried the reset no go. Downloaded the .RAR file. (had to get a pocketrar program downloaded to my desktop.) Opened the file and it says it will install the next time i connect the phone to the computer. I did this and I still have the 3 color screen. Can anyone help?
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2009, 07:30 PM
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Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!

OK im starting to freak out here Ive followed the directions step by step, and now im stuck in the boot loader... im a total newbie and im terrified Ive bricked my phone :/ but Ive disabled active sync, not just usb, but everything else, and i try to run the script... and it say that im either not connected or i haven't disabled the activesync thing... and i know that both are false, because a. it makes the connecting sound when i plug the d*** thing in, and b. Ive disabled everything that allows anything to connect to activesync can ANYBODY help me?!?!?! i haven't found anything anywhere of anyone having a similar problem :/ any and all advice would be hugely appreciated, thanks


P.S. don't be to harsh :/
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2009, 02:36 PM
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Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!

Problem to update htc 6800. Problem to update htc 6800. the first that I did or try was to update the spl vercion 2.40 to open the safe of the titan to update the rom.
In this step was that I had because I think the error does not reach the step where the updates as the ruu spl let alone run msdos steps under the hill and then and there I thought he was ready and then I gave it a rom titaing (ppcweeks 3.57) without realizing that the well had not updated to 2.40 spl stays 1.07. Update and good step successfully but not turned over the cell I get a single image on the screen that says PPCGEEKS PPCKitchen.org and present and is a doll cook. I think this happens because of the incompatibility of radio because the flash is 3.57 for q gps and the gps was not to have the radio that she has Orit is R1.67 and when I try to pass the 3.35 radio that is only for gps I get to 0% and there are not progressing as well as any operations that try to make either the hard-spl or updating the new rom I inmagino that must be because the SPL is still locked.
Any idea can be done in this case they tell me to update it by giving microsd format fat32 and then put a rom with spl 1.07 I've tried this with 1.6.10 sprint TITAIMG.nbh and renamed copy at the root of memory and under press power + camera + reset But only says loading and just stays there for hours I have also tried to pass the same way the hard-spl and 3.35 radio but only stays at the same loading.
Several people have advised me to return to the original vercion the problem is that my htc is Movilnet Venezuela and not even get anybody can provide me this rom. Please have someone who love to climb this flash Movilnet Venezuela or failing would like to make to get the original rom of one titan that work perfectly to see if i can be solved? than
software should I use? Or anyone with a Mogul without being updated can give me so vercion the radio and brought originally. to see if at least one achievement provide a rom that is equal to the vercion of the radio and so can see when you turn on your cell in red letters at the bottom of the screen.
After passing the rom TITAING stick with these values.
R 1.67.00 (Radio)
D 3.57 (S.O)
Note: According to this rom titaing no updates the radio of one look like about other this have to load it separately in another process so I think this radio that must be present have to be the original and one of the reasons by the titan no open due to incompatibility with the radio with s.o.
Saludos .... Thanks for your time.
Sorry by me bag english i use tranlators
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 01:11 AM
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Unhappy Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!

I need help!!I'm a noob to this and trying to learn,however a mistake made earlier now not sure what to do.Following some instructions on HF for the titan took me to XD for titan unlocker.I ran the olipro 1.20 it installed fine then stuck on the bootloader,when it tried to reload the sprint rom it gets stuck on 11 percent,I ran exibootloader then it gets stuck at the htc screen saying no radio.I'm not sure what to do next.After further reading realized I installed the wrong unlocker.I had/have wm6.1 with the 3.42 radio.Is there any suggestions?Can I maybe try to install an earlier rom then relock and start over?Or have I just really messed up?
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 02:04 PM
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Re: Stuck in TITAN bootloader? Read this!

SWEETNESS!!! I racked my brain for a day trying to figure this out! So helpful!

Thanks a bunch
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