Oh My God!!!!!! I would like to thank you for this post!!!! I had tha boot loader screen and was goin nuts cuz I could not get it back up on my newly flashed HTC Mogul. I initially ran tha RUU_TITAN_SPRINT and it keep me on tha boot load screen!!!!! I downloaded titan_exitbl rar and it reloaded and everthing thing came back up! It does say that I am using Alltell and everything was gone... Plus my pics arent comin thru and my text are super delayed.... I am gonna try a couple other things out and keep you posted but still thanks again!!!!

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN
The Titan is different than most other PPCs in many ways, but one is the key to exiting the bootloader. Most devices you connect to it with mtty and run the command "set 14 0" then reset (task 8 works). On the Titan/Mogul/6800 the command is "set 16 0".
Now the good news for those who don't want to go the mtty route. I have modified the uni_exitbootloader program with this change so that it will work on the titan.
Connect phone to USB port, disable activesync and run the exe. If you need more info search for the other stuck in bootloader threads. There are already many tutorials out there for this process, but this is the only tool with the special Titan exit code.
get it here: