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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2009, 02:35 PM
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I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

OK, so I had a Mogul that was my best friend while I used it, but I recently upgraded to the Touch Pro. I decided rather than let my Mogul sit in a box that I would sell it on Ebay, I listed it and sold it, shipped it to the new owner and guess what.. I have No2's ROM on it, the new owner took it to a Sprint store and they said "This phone can not be activated on Sprint because the software was damaged and there is no way to activate phone" well, needless to say the person that purchased it is a bit miffed, as I would be under the same circumstances, I would like some back up here saying that it can be activated, that they just don't support custom ROMS and a few nice words about the quality of NO2's ROMs would be nice too.

I have replied by email saying I would walk them through the process of activating it or returning it to a factory ROM if need be, but that shouldn't be an issue.. Simply calling in and activating it over the phone or doing it online will work just as well and they can enjoy the speed, efficiency and bliss that comes with using a NO2 ROM on an already great piece of hardware
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2009, 05:21 PM
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Re: I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

Originally Posted by soaknfused View Post
OK, so I had a Mogul that was my best friend while I used it, but I recently upgraded to the Touch Pro. I decided rather than let my Mogul sit in a box that I would sell it on Ebay, I listed it and sold it, shipped it to the new owner and guess what.. I have No2's ROM on it, the new owner took it to a Sprint store and they said "This phone can not be activated on Sprint because the software was damaged and there is no way to activate phone" well, needless to say the person that purchased it is a bit miffed, as I would be under the same circumstances, I would like some back up here saying that it can be activated, that they just don't support custom ROMS and a few nice words about the quality of NO2's ROMs would be nice too.

I have replied by email saying I would walk them through the process of activating it or returning it to a factory ROM if need be, but that shouldn't be an issue.. Simply calling in and activating it over the phone or doing it online will work just as well and they can enjoy the speed, efficiency and bliss that comes with using a NO2 ROM on an already great piece of hardware
He can call in and activate it. All they need is the esn number and he will do the programming on his end.
I never call or go in.
I do all my own activation online through my account at sprint.com
Switch phones all the time while I modify the other.

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Old 04-27-2009, 05:27 PM
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Re: I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

if its not working you can always send the guy to the htc website to put back the sprint Rom and then if he wants he can have the custom Rom back after activating because some keyboards on the custom rom will not let you program the phone
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2009, 05:32 PM
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Re: I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

Originally Posted by avi11223 View Post
if its not working you can always send the guy to the htc website to put back the sprint Rom and then if he wants he can have the custom Rom back after activating because some keyboards on the custom rom will not let you program the phone
That is true. That happened to me. I had to flash back to the default rom and then activate it. After that i flashed back to custom rom.
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Old 04-28-2009, 09:30 AM
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Re: I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

He just wants to be able to point the guy to an online thread for proof that the phone is in good working order even though it has No2chems Rom on it. The purchaser should be grateful as No2Chem's Rom's greatly enhance the device.

With No2Chem's utilities you can change the hardware switch to control ringer on/off and any other app you insert. You can use ur device as a flashlight and use morse code (in case ur stranded @ sea lol). Thanks to his unlocker you can customize the phone itself. His rom replaces the kernel so you get more memory on the device.

Being a subscriber to No2chems website please believe me that he lucked out getting a Mogul with this Rom on it already and NO IT'S NOT BROKEN.

It's just too advanced for the Sprint CSR's to wanna deal with. You can always go back to the boring HTC Sprint stock rom ...ya know if that's what u really really want. But ur not a lame... are you?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 05:21 PM
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Re: I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

ahh, no2chem's roms ( <3 ) sped up even the most basic functions on my mogul. You would think even bringing up the dialer screen, which is an essential and basic function of the operating system, would be quick and snappy. unfortunately, on the stock rom, its not. Thanks to no2's rom, everything, on my phone anyways, functions as i would expect it to. not slow and laggy as it is with the stock rom.

I would recommend activating over the phone or via sprint's website. you don't need to go through the sprint store csr's in order to do so.

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Old 04-30-2009, 01:30 PM
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Re: I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

Originally Posted by marky-b View Post
I would recommend activating over the phone or via sprint's website. you don't need to go through the sprint store csr's in order to do so.

Yes, easy to do via website, only thing is the contacts will not transfer to the new phone.
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Old 05-04-2009, 02:32 PM
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Re: I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

On Sprint you can not activate a phone with a custom ROM. The codes don't work... And you should ALWAYS flash back to stock when selling a Sprint phone.
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Old 05-04-2009, 04:12 PM
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Re: I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

Originally Posted by PDAPhoneJunkie View Post
On Sprint you can not activate a phone with a custom ROM. The codes don't work... And you should ALWAYS flash back to stock when selling a Sprint phone.
Not sure what you mean. I activate all the time with custom rom.
Got two titans and when I get one like I want it I activate it to my main number while I work with the other trying new things.
##778# has always worked with every rom I have flashed. Enter my msl and make my number changes. Do some custom roms not allow ##codes ???
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 04:28 PM
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Re: I love sprint store CSR's, please back me up on this :-)

It depends on the dialer. I had a custom rom and the dialer I had chosen during the build didn't support the codes. I had to flash back to stock then activate and then flash back to my rom.
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