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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 09:03 PM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

Originally Posted by jtrag View Post
The Titan barely runs 6.1. I highly doubt 6.5 will run any better, if at all, on the Titan.
IDK about yours but mine runs just fine on 6.1, its all in how you cook and tweak and load the device.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 09:08 PM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

Originally Posted by weedahoe View Post
IDK about yours but mine runs just fine on 6.1, its all in how you cook and tweak and load the device.
Same here. My Titan has never been faster. I am running nueROM3-201.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 05:07 PM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

I am trying to get a titan kitchen together right now with 6.5. I have not flahs it yet, i need to find a good base first. so i am looking around.

If i get it i will post a kitchen later tonight. it still needs some work. but it will be a start.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 11:28 PM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

Originally Posted by conflipper View Post
I am trying to get a titan kitchen together right now with 6.5. I have not flahs it yet, i need to find a good base first. so i am looking around.

If i get it i will post a kitchen later tonight. it still needs some work. but it will be a start.
do u even know what ur talking about??? Then again, maybe i just dont..

But, how can u start a 6.5 kitchen, when nothings been released??? you have no actual 6.5 things to use..no RUU, no newer Radio...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 11:35 PM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

Don't doubt the great conflipper.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 11:39 PM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

NO I have no idea what I am talking about.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 11:49 PM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

if they made 6.1 available on the 6700..which was way outdated really by the time 6.1 came around... why wouldnt they make 6.5 available for the mogul which will be outdated by then..

i dont know the specs on alot of phones...the mogul is the only phone with 64mb of RAM?? i know the Pro is 288mb..

but theres over a hundred handsets running WinMo worldwide (all have more than 64mb of ram besides mogul?), so Microsoft has to do something for Most of these users youd think
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 12:35 AM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

if you complete that project with those imagaes you show....

youll get sued man, see where it says "this computer is protected by US and International Laws" thats their safeguard..

were going over stuff like this in my Buisness Law classes right now.. Basically how people take a product that exsists, tweak it, and rebrand it...

i know your not selling it..and i checked the link for your tread on this.. I really like how everyones gonna do this together.. so Please allow my apology for not researching to check it out b4 commenting...

but in order not to get throw in Jail, yes i know were all thinkin, "Jail, yeah right, thats jumping the gun abit".. just hear me out for a second.. if this project gets completed, and HAS that micosoft info on it or anything microsoft related(images,MS office programs etc) your gonna hear about it... heres why:

How fast does something NEW and GOOD, fly through here onto a users handset??

this will get MASS DL'd, itll be on XDA, itll get linked to every site in the world within days i guarentee it.. You dont think Microsoft is gonna get angry that someone beat them to the punch and finished THEIR project b4 they could.. Itll be everywhere, if you think phone companies and developers for companies dont hang out in places like this to sort of snoop for new ideas and see user responses for things, your mistaken...

doesnt anything think its strange that sprints OFFICAL PIC MAIL is oh so similar to what every brags about in SomeGuysMMS?? it uses all the same tech, just a slightly UI, im sure so he couldnt sue them...

Look im sure im coming across as against this, just trying to show another side here.. again, after i read ur Main Thread on this, i loved the idea of the group project..

Im just saying, be careful here.. all that stuff with MS' name on it is copyrighted stuff snd im sure their a comany that wont look the other way
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 01:29 AM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

There is already a project going on at XDA with 6.5 has well. I am aware of this, and I know that MS might not like it, but then again, this is a very early build that got leaked out, and they are already leaps and bounds ahead of this. But i am sure if MS has a problem wiht this then they will contact the web host, and it will be removed right away.

I am not trying to take on MS here, they will smash me if i try that.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 07:22 AM
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Re: Will the Mogul get WM 6.5?

Does anyone else feel like we're seeing a real-life version of "The Gods Must Be Crazy"?

Instead of a coke bottle falling to the ground, we have a leaked beta of WinMo 6.5

Might also be that it's too early in the AM and wifey spiked my coffee..
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