Re: Problems with PPC kitchen...
Hi...no pro here, but I had similar issues & got it straightened out like this:
The new upgrades you got are NOT compatible w/ the old selection files, but the old selection files were not purged. The PROJECTS dir is full of stuff that doesnt work....so.... Start BuildOS, select NEW, in the right top pane you should see your model phone (if you don't you can download it directly from www.ppckitchen.org/Downloads then click Projects/ then click Groups/ then click BaseBuilds/ & get ur phone file. It goes in the PPCKitchen Prog dir under Projects/Groups/BaseBuilds) ...how we doin so far???? In the Bottom right pane you can select any of the sys builds; I REALLY like the latest 20931. Then you name the file & its saved in Projects. Clean out all the old files in Projects so ur new one is all by its lonesome. GOod luck |