whats going on with BuildOS and the build releases ?
It seems that each time a new build is released to the kitchen, the older ones are all but forgotten... they loose their place as a sticky in the forum. and BuildOS gets updated to where it does not fully work with the older kitchens anymore....
When I got my Titan recently, I purged the old BuildOS install. Then I reinstalled with just the modules for the Titan kitchen. I got the kitchen's I might try.. 20273, 20748, 20931. Today, just to look at things, I opened BuildOS and selected the 20273 selections file and most of the options were missing. To further investigate if I needed a new selections file, i wiped out my updater config & re-ran it. 20273 is not even an option anymore. Was this build deemed unsuitable, too old, or is it just incompatible with the new BuildOS? Then I find there are more that were abandonded.. (20270, 20226, 19588, more?)
OK now, I am ignorant of where these builds come from and if their are compatability issues to be concerned with. Maybe it's like any other app. .. a new build comes out that has some bug fixes, maybe a new feature, but the basic compatability should remain the same. Therefore the older builds are almost useless to keep around. This makes sense with the way things appear. Ive said it before and I'll say it again, I wish there were better documentation of the changes occuring between kitchen builds as well as between BuildOS releases.
Ok, that's my rant for today. Hopefully you smart people can clue me in to whatever part of the picture I'm missing. Thanks!