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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 02:11 PM
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Please help an old dude on his birthday fix his Titan

The last thing I wanted to do is start a new thread, but I have a full time job and have ticked my wife off enough, searching for a fix when I get home at nights so I need help quick. I'm very much a noob at this stuff so bear with me. US Cellular Titan, had the oldest rom version possible on it as well as an ancient radio version. I just got brave enough to try and upgrade and I guess it worked to a certain degree. I can get google maps to use the gps function now. And my phone shows 3.08.666.1 as the ROM and 3.35.04 as the radio. My problem, like a lot of folks on here, is that I can't get on the internet using dialup.(data connection). I can use the wifi. and I can dial out. This seems to be the only bug along with the Cellsouth banner and my data connection soft key button now pulls up an error message. I know I will get raked over the coals on this but I trusted my lack of skills to the point I didnt bother writing down my phone info before flashing. Yes, Im a fool. please help before I get fired searching around for an answer and before I screw it up worse. I've already changed some of the epst settings that I read were wrong. Sorry for the long post. Thanks for any help
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 02:34 PM
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Re: Please help an old dude on his birthday fix his Titan

Check out this thread... It might help... It's has information on US Cellular and the PPC 6800...

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 05:32 PM
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Re: Please help an old dude on his birthday fix his Titan

2 questions. 1- is the true mnc supposed to be the same as the mnc. in the image on the link his shows 00 for both. on mine the mnc is 00 and the true mnc is 23.

2- in the link he shows changing the PPP user id to something he calls "phone number"@uscc...... and then earlier he shows changing something to your "10digitphonenumber". I may be reading way to much into this but what is this phonenumber he is talking about. It only shows 9 key entries for that one as well.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 09:24 PM
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Re: Please help an old dude on his birthday fix his Titan

1) I believe so, yes... Not an expert though...

10 digit phone number include 1- xxx-xxx-xxxx
9 digit phone number is only xxx-xxx-xxxx

I think that is it... Hope that helps...
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