what to do if you flash the new rom and NO DATA
If you happened to flash your phone with the new rom like I did, you probably realized it sucks and you flashed back. You then realized that your data doesn't work. which is why you're reading this thread. Anyways:
You have options if you've read GC's posts.
However, none of those options would work for me really. I don't have another phone to flash to and I sure as hell don't want to have to explain this mess to Verizon Tech Support on the phone. So, flash back to the stock rom and make sure all the settings are changed back. Go to a Verizon STORE, that has a Tech Center. Go to them and explain that your data isn't working all of a sudden.
This is what I did and they replaced the phone for me. Gave me a brand new one. It shouldn't have the new rom on it because they have boxes and boxes of these phones laying around. Hope this helps.
P.S. LOL When the woman had my phone, my girlfriend texted me saying we should have sex in the rain and she started cracking up and showed me and I laughed. Just thought that was funny. Good Luck.