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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 08:05 AM
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Angry Can't get gps to work on newly replaced refurb Titan =/

Hi folks. I don't normally start threads, but this has been a pain in the a$$.

I recently replaced my VZW Titan due to multiple problems (GPS not working is not one of them) and I can't get this replacement phone to work worth a sheet... I tried 3.42.50/40/30, many different ROMS... even tried new VZW rom (though it sounds like I wouldn't be able to get anything to work anyhow)
I normally use Google Maps to test stuff and checked my settings under Windows (Com4, None, 4800, Let Windows manage).

Any pointers? I have no idea what else to try, and most likely can not complain to Verizon that they sent me a non-functioning GPS unit when they don't support it anyhow.... Many thanks!!!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 08:18 AM
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Re: Can't get gps to work on newly replaced refurb Titan =/

Originally Posted by mugsy77 View Post
Hi folks. I don't normally start threads, but this has been a pain in the a$$.

I recently replaced my VZW Titan due to multiple problems (GPS not working is not one of them) and I can't get this replacement phone to work worth a sheet... I tried 3.42.50/40/30, many different ROMS... even tried new VZW rom (though it sounds like I wouldn't be able to get anything to work anyhow)
I normally use Google Maps to test stuff and checked my settings under Windows (Com4, None, 4800, Let Windows manage).

Any pointers? I have no idea what else to try, and most likely can not complain to Verizon that they sent me a non-functioning GPS unit when they don't support it anyhow.... Many thanks!!!
I'm going to guess that the refurb they sent ya had the new update on it. If so, gc14 over at xda-developers has the solution. The PRI update breaks the GPS radio unless yout go ALL the way back. Here's his intructions:

Guys, the reason your GPS is screwed is because of the PRI the update installed.

"You need to go back to the stock bootloader (using Titan Relocker), then flash the original stock Verizon Rom letting the stock customizations run. This will roll you back to PRI 1.35. Once that's done, flash SPL 2.40/2.47 again followed by your custom rom/radio of choosing. You WILL have to reapply the Titan GPS Fix with QPST if you were using it prior to flashing the update.

Your GPS should be back to how it was after that."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 11:56 AM
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Re: Can't get gps to work on newly replaced refurb Titan =/

Followup... I went from 1.35 PRI on stock, as recommended, then updated spl to 2.47, then radio and os. I am now at PRI 2.03_002 using dcd 3.2.6 and Radio 3.42.50.

GPS still not working. Not sure if it will with PRI 2.03_002.... Anything else I can try and is 2.03_002 a good PRI version?

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 12:38 PM
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Re: Can't get gps to work on newly replaced refurb Titan =/

More info from gc14 at xda-developers:

Originally Posted by gc14 View Post
This is just a warning post to all VZW users who have either flashed or are thinking about flashing the 6.1 update.

PRI 2.03_002 that gets installed during the customizations at first boot can cause numerous problems.

I'm going to say this once, so please don't ask later...

IF you don't care about being able to use the GPS with any 3rd party apps, then you can disregard this post and flash away.

IF you DO care about being able to use the GPS with any 3rd party apps, do NOT flash this update.

As you all know, the PRI completely locks down access to all 3rd party apps trying to use the GPS. What you don't know is that even by flashing back to stock completely and rolling back the PRI to 1.35_002, then updating back to a custom rom/radio, the PRI comes back.

I'm not sure why or how it happens so please don't ask, but if you flash this update, and then think you'll be fine by rolling back the PRI, please take this as a warning.

The ONLY way to roll back to PRI 1.35_002 and KEEP it while still using a custom rom/radio is:

1. Flash back to stock, let customizations run to roll back the PRI.
2. Update SPL to 2.40 via USB. DO NOT USE SPL 2.47 IT WILL NOT WORK.
3. Flash either the 3.35 or 3.56 Sprint Update and do NOT let Sprint customizations run at first boot (THIS STEP IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN THE PRI)
4. Now you can flash your custom rom/radio of your choice and the PRI should read 1.35_002.

There's more.

I didn't label this thread PRI from hell for no reason. After you've successfully rolled back the PRI to 1.35_002, your DMU keys will be corrupt causing you to be without data. There are only 3 ways to fix this:

1. If you have an old handset (non pda/smartphone), log in to your VZW account online and activate it. This will prompt you to remove the data feature codes from your plan. Once complete, reactivate the xv6800 and add back the data feature codes you removed. Wait 2 minutes and dial *22899. If it says you need to be authenticated first, you may need to call customer service and have them authenticate you. Then dial *22899 again.

2. If you don't have an old handset to activate, you need to call customer service and get them to perform a DMU reset on your device. Also have them remove all data feature codes from your account and add them back on.

3. Swap out your phone.

If you care about being able to use 3rd party apps with the GPS, DO NOT let the PRI update as you WILL regret it.


Last edited by bakntyme; 08-27-2008 at 01:26 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 01:23 PM
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Re: Can't get gps to work on newly replaced refurb Titan =/

Thanks a lot bak. Will do as suggested. That looks like it will work. I will post with an update. Thank you.

Btw, did you get your name from Back to the Future?

Last edited by mugsy77; 08-27-2008 at 01:34 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 01:52 PM
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Re: Can't get gps to work on newly replaced refurb Titan =/

Originally Posted by mugsy77 View Post
Thanks a lot bak. Will do as suggested. That looks like it will work. I will post with an update. Thank you.

Btw, did you get your name from Back to the Future?
Good luck! VZW's shenanigans make Sprint's blocking of MMS pale in comparison...

And yes, I own a Delorean and took my username from the movie.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 04:12 PM
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Re: Can't get gps to work on newly replaced refurb Titan =/

GPS finally working! Geez louise... Thx again for the assistance on this PITA issue...

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2008, 04:51 AM
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Re: Can't get gps to work on newly replaced refurb Titan =/

there is a better and safer way to restore the old PRI 1.35..
uhhhh.. Just run the Radio Refurbish from this post..

HTC Imagio Powered by NRG GTX ROM.. AWSOMENESS.. Still Haven't figured out how to Fix Tom Tom GPS Lag Problem....

Last edited by b16daddy; 08-28-2008 at 04:53 AM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2008, 10:45 AM
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Re: Can't get gps to work on newly replaced refurb Titan =/

Lol! Good stuff b16... Wish I saw that earlier but I did the old school way but will give it a shot when I need it again. Thanks dude
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