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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2008, 05:09 PM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

Originally Posted by biglcny View Post
You know I spent about 4 hours yesterday working on doing that. I have no kitchen building experience and i am flying blind, it's fun! I've been cooking personally since the Apache unified aku3 days so I've seen alot.

I looked at the 19588 kitchen since it doesn't use Titan_Core.rar and used that as a template. I've worked through all of the show stopping errors and I've gotten the kitchen to load up in the PPCGeeks BuildOS without any error messages. Unfortunately during the build phase I get the following error "kitchens\Drivers_Titan_DCD326.rar File Create error"

If anyone more experience can point me in the right direction let me know.
I just pulled the OEMs I wanted from PPC geeks rars and dumped them into the the DCD OEM folder. I even used the carrier OEM for Verizon from Titan_Carries.rar. Worked great for me (although DCD himself advises against doing this, but hey...that's the fun part about cooking ) It was nice to have the no2chem stuff cooked right in with the DCD, along with some custom OEMs I made.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2008, 08:58 PM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

hey all, figured I'd post this here to get some additional feedback re: DCD rom:

1.) Can someone test the following, I've seen a number of people reporting this issue but no fix yet: Enable Wi-Fi, then open a VPN connection, and let the phone go to sleep while VPN is still connected. Wait a good like 5 minutes. And try to wake the phone up - power button per usual, and post up if the phone wakes up or not. My phone always locks up when this happens, and I have to soft reset it. I can't let it fall asleep or this happens, I've seen others post up about this problem too. Was curious if DCD knew of a fix or if this new 3.2.6 ROM fixed it.

2.) Is there a list of what has been done in the current rom - (stock, not cooked in a kitchen) - IE a total list of changes / customizations / hacks - not just what's changed since the last build. I'm new to the DCD ROM's since 3.2.5, so I'm not familiar in what has already been included.

Hit me up with that giving.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2008, 07:10 AM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

Originally Posted by joojoobee666 View Post
I just pulled the OEMs I wanted from PPC geeks rars and dumped them into the the DCD OEM folder. I even used the carrier OEM for Verizon from Titan_Carries.rar. Worked great for me (although DCD himself advises against doing this, but hey...that's the fun part about cooking ) It was nice to have the no2chem stuff cooked right in with the DCD, along with some custom OEMs I made.
This is exactly what I tried to do per a previous post. Perhaps I didn't explain it clearly. Anyway, I received a duplicate file error having something to do with the HTC Home plugin. I have been using No2Chem's most recent rom and am very happy with how stable it has been. I have flashed dcd's last 3 roms and love the no-frills approach but must admit I enjoy using the HTC Home launcher and the appearance it brings. While I have installed the cab version it seems the oem from PPC geeks has been the most stable so far.
Question: Has anyone successfuly installed this using dcd's kitchen and an oem from PPC Geeks rar?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2008, 03:30 PM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

Yep i add my oem's from PPC kitchen to dcd's all the time most work great with no modification including htc home. Make sure you haven't selected dcd's htc home plug in the kitchen if you are installing the htc home 2.01 from the ppc geeks kitchen.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2008, 03:45 PM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

OK guys, have been flashing many time. Now I decided to try my own rom. I get this error message file temp/dump/bar.bng already exist. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing it? - Ok figured out what it was with the exclusion method. It was Opera Mobile 9.5 - build 1780. Now my question is does anyone know why. should I install opera mobile base also. Using dcd kithcen FYI

Last edited by Filipov1982; 08-26-2008 at 03:55 PM.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2008, 02:06 AM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

Silly question time. Maybe I have been up too long. I wanted to try this latest ROM out. But I need to know what I am doing with the carrier cab. From all that I have read it says to "copy to phone and run it." But all I have is an XML file and 5 other files. What am I overlooking/doing wrong?
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2008, 02:13 AM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

Originally Posted by broken041 View Post
Silly question time. Maybe I have been up too long. I wanted to try this latest ROM out. But I need to know what I am doing with the carrier cab. From all that I have read it says to "copy to phone and run it." But all I have is an XML file and 5 other files. What am I overlooking/doing wrong?
Carrier Cabs are all cab files...
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Old 08-28-2008, 07:15 AM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

Man...I don't know what I was thinking. I think it was a case of needing sleep that caused that brain fart. Thanks. Damn I need a life.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

hey i have dcd 3.2.6 custom rom and i have not been able to receive text messages over the internet while using this rom has any one had this problem????? or even know how it can be fixed?i tried to receive an sms from skyfire.com and from txtdrop.com and could not get either for the life of me,iswitched back to another rom temporarily just to see if i was crazy but not reely when i switched roms i got my text. Its reelly annoying, and being forced to opening up files from the file open tab in adobe acrobat rather than clicking on the actual pdf file itself other than that dcd 3.2.6 is pretty cool but if i cant get this resolved then its no2chem all the way
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 10:43 AM
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Re: Dcd 3.26

BTW......how can u add sliding sounds to this rom(dcd 3.2.6) with out using that sliding sound cab...is it the same way through the registry???? sorri to be a bother if a am just trying to learn...knowledge is power right?
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