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Old 08-03-2008, 11:58 PM
jfolliard's Avatar
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to upgrade or not

I'm currently on 3.35.651.2.

Considering upgradiing BUT I do not use Sprint TV. From the description below it sounds like that's really the only new feature of the upgrade.

I believe I have all the items listed in number 3 - correct?

And, I assume that upgrading will cause a loss all data (contacts, calendar, etc.) which I would have to reload. does it also cause a loss of all the programs I've loaded leaving only the "out of the box" programs?

Anyway, I'm having a hard time deciding to upgrade given I really don't care about Sprint TV.

Are there other worthwhile features of the upgrade and 6.1 which I should be considering?



1. Upgrades the operating system from Windows MobileĀ® 6.0 Professional to Windows MobileĀ® 6.1 Professional
2. Adds Sprint TV
3. Includes all enhancements incorporated in previous software upgrades including: EV-DO Rev. A functionality for faster download and upload speeds when utilizing data services wherever EV-DO Rev. A coverage is available.
Advanced GPS functionality including the Sprint Navigation application.
Adds a Task Manager to the Today screen for easier access and management of running programs.

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