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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 09:23 PM
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return to stock

I screwed up my phone so its going to get replaced under warrenty. Now that I have updated the bootloader, radio and rom how do I return to stock? I see imcokemans relocker but it says to not do it after GPS update.
Finally got the TP2 (Verizon)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 10:28 PM
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Re: return to stock

Originally Posted by stemo76 View Post
I screwed up my phone so its going to get replaced under warrenty. Now that I have updated the bootloader, radio and rom how do I return to stock? I see imcokemans relocker but it says to not do it after GPS update.
Maybe this thread will help:

Verizon - Restoring your xv6800 to a Stock Verizon ROM

Yes, the pre-GPS relocker and pre-GPS radio are not completely safe to flash to a device that has had a GPS radio; but what do you have to lose, since you are returning the device anyway? If it bricks, your reason for returning just becomes "It won't even turn on anymore."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 02:33 AM
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Re: return to stock

Originally Posted by stemo76 View Post
I screwed up my phone so its going to get replaced under warrenty. Now that I have updated the bootloader, radio and rom how do I return to stock? I see imcokemans relocker but it says to not do it after GPS update.

Try this........General - nueSPL Relocker 2.07

If your radio isn't 3.XX then DO NOT USE THIS !!!!

also read this from Puff........................makes sense

Re: Changing to 1.20 after using nueSPL
Originally Posted by joshkeller77
That is my fear for Verizon users. We are talking about this on XDA right now. For those who have used nueSPL and have upgraded to DCD or no2chem, they are basically screwed and have no options but to take back the phone with a GPS rom on the phone right?

"If you are going to return it, exchange or whatnot, for warranty reasons, then you can always take the chance downgrading your Radio, to return to stock. Of course you stand the chance of bricking your device, but you can always claim it failed during a firmware flash (the truth lol)"

"To my knowledge, this is the only 'return to factory' option if your carrier doesn't have stock GPS Rom."
"I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid.”

Last edited by flyers2114; 07-30-2008 at 02:37 AM.
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