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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2008, 09:48 PM
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Unhappy XV6800 15 minute problem

I got a brand new xv6800 from Verizon last month. At the time I flashed the latest radio (3.42.30) and unlocker (2.40) and loaded a custom rom I threw together on it really quick. It did get stuck when I was upgrading the radio but that was fixed. I never used it outside of just testing it.

Yesterday I decided to cook up a ROM just the way I wanted it and move it onto my Cricket service. ROM went fine, but when I put on the Cricket PRL the 15 minute problem started (doesn't find service for 15 minutes). I've since flashed it various times, and tried different dialers. Half the time the dialer comes out messed up for some reason.

I checked all the EPST settings vs my current Cricket phone (xv6700) and its exactly the same, yet the problem continues.

I saw the fix, but it involves flashing it to Sprint, do I have to given that I'm running a pretty recent radio?

I just got a Verizon XV-6800 and am trying to sort it all out. HELP!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2008, 03:33 AM
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Re: XV6800 15 minute problem

UPDATE: I update the unlocker to 2.47 and reflashed the radio off the SD card and reloaded the ROM on it. Still no go. Dialer looks okay now (not all lopsided) but ## codes don't work. Still have to wait 15 minutes to get service.

Does anyone at all know what might be going on? I might try cooking a ROM with something other than 20270 to see, but really I'm out of ideas.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 09:08 PM
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Re: XV6800 15 minute problem


I flashed it to 5067, no fix. I did try *22802 as mentioned here (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=18233&page=3) and the call connects and hangs up after a second. After that I can place calls (not sure about receiving, haven't put it on the network yet)

So I tried putting a Verizon PRL on the phone. Like magic, it restarted and instantly found service. I reloaded the Cricket PRL after that and the problem returned. The radio has been upgraded and I cooked a kitchen with the carrier set to Cricket, so why is it doing this? Seems like it's trying to connect to Verizon first for some reason.

I went over all the EPST settings, they all match my 6700 which is working fine on Cricket. HELP!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 09:16 PM
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Re: XV6800 15 minute problem

i had the same problem with my alltel 6800. i just called tech support and they sent me another. never did mention about the custom rom. cooked another rom and never had the problem again. not quite sure where the problem came from...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2008, 12:27 AM
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Thumbs up Re: XV6800 15 minute problem

scrawnyb on xda-developers had a working solution to those that might be experiencing this problem. That thread is at http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...77#post2455877

Problem: The phone is taking (forever) to acquire service after the flash.
Solution: Toggle M.IP PST Settings

If the phone doesn't have a signal, dial *22803 or *22802 and hang up when you get a signal.
Now that your phone has a signal, you dial ##778, it should bring up a program, press 'Edit'.

The unlock code is 000000 for Verizon users, use GetSPC if you are on another carrier.

Select "View Info" > "M.IP Settings"
Change MIP_MODE, Reg. Retries, Reg. Timeout, and Pre-Reg. Timeout to other values.
Soft-reboot your phone.
When you acquire a signal again, dial ##778 once again.

Go back into Edit > View Info > M.IP Settings.
Change the values back to what they were:
MIP_MODE = M.IP Preferred, Retries = 2, Retry Timeout = 1750ms, Pre-Reg Timeout: 0.
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