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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 10:01 AM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

Originally Posted by bedoig View Post
Well, there can be a lot of variables, but it's essentially a three step process:

1) On your Mogul go to Start-->Programs-->Internet Sharing. Choose USB (or bluetooth if you're going that route) as your PC Connection, Sprint PCS as your Network Connection, and hit connect.

2) Plug USB cable into phone.

3) Plug other end of USB cable into computer.


*Assuming you are using a Windows PC with Activesync/Windows Mobile Device Center installed. If you are using the latest Sprint ROM (3.56) then a small registry edit is also in order. Post more details of your exact needs (type of computer/OS, ROM on phone, desired connection method, etc) and we'll have it ironed out in no time
I'll be bringing my work laptop so not sure I can install Activesync or not.

I have the latest Sprint ROM (3.56) - what registry change do I need?

Windows OS, desired connection can be USB or wireless
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 10:09 AM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

If you can't install Activesync, you will not be able to use Internet Sharing. If your work laptop has Bluetooth (which most don't) you can still try to use Internet Sharing via a Personal Area Network (PAN).

As companies typically restrict installing new hardware to Administrator accounts, you will probably not be able to use PDANet, USBModem, etc either. Those programs allow the phone to simulate being a simple dial-up modem, which of course is hardware that has to be installed.

Since you have a Mogul, your best bet would be to share your connection over WiFi. Virtually all laptops have Wifi, and it's *usually* not restricted. If the new version of PDANet allows sharing over WiFi, you can try that. I have no experience with it, so I'm going to recommend either WMWiFiRouter or ICSControl. WMWiFiRouter was freeware up until version .91, ICSControl remains free for the latest version. ICSControl has a lot of nice features, but it is more complicated to set up. WMWiFiRouter would probably be your best bet for a one click, simple setup. I can post version .91 if you'd like, or you can look into PDANet's WiFi capabilities.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 10:13 AM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

Originally Posted by bedoig View Post
If you can't install Activesync, you will not be able to use Internet Sharing. If your work laptop has Bluetooth (which most don't) you can still try to use Internet Sharing via a Personal Area Network (PAN).

As companies typically restrict installing new hardware to Administrator accounts, you will probably not be able to use PDANet, USBModem, etc either. Those programs allow the phone to simulate being a simple dial-up modem, which of course is hardware that has to be installed.

Since you have a Mogul, your best bet would be to share your connection over WiFi. Virtually all laptops have Wifi, and it's *usually* not restricted. If the new version of PDANet allows sharing over WiFi, you can try that. I have no experience with it, so I'm going to recommend either WMWiFiRouter or ICSControl. WMWiFiRouter was freeware up until version .91, ICSControl remains free for the latest version. ICSControl has a lot of nice features, but it is more complicated to set up. WMWiFiRouter would probably be your best bet for a one click, simple setup. I can post version .91 if you'd like, or you can look into PDANet's WiFi capabilities.
Can you the post the version of WMWiFiRouter if that is allowed? Thanks! I was thinking WiFi might be best since if others have laptops, they could use the signal also.

For any of this, are registry changes needed? It was mentioned above.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 10:22 AM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

Confirmed, I cannot install ActiveSync on my work laptop.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 10:45 AM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

You can edit the ForceCellConnection string value under HKey_Local_Machine\Comm\InternetSharing\Settings to say "Sprint PCS," or delete it entirely to get back the option to switch between Sprint PCS and Phone as Modem within the Internet Sharing app. I'd just set it at Sprint PCS, that way you don't have to worry about it in the future. There is a cab floating around somewhere to import the reg entry for you, if you're not comfortable editing it yourself.

I've attached v.91 of WMWiFiRouter. This cab will also set up an adhoc WiFi network for you with the name "Free Viruses!!" (you can change the name, or set up your own peer-to-peer/adhoc network if you want, that is just the name I chose). Make sure your WiFi switch is in the on position before activating the program. Give it a try and let us know if you have any more questions

Edit: Sorry, give me just a second to upload the cab.
Attached Files
File Type: zip WMWifiRouter(with Adhoc setup)Custom.zip (89.6 KB, 181 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by bedoig; 07-23-2008 at 11:28 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 12:35 PM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

bedoig - I installed the software and left the network settings/name from the cab.

I started it up and checked the peer networks on my work laptop and was able to see it. I'm assuming that is success.

I also made the reg change. Final question, what does it do?

Thanks a ton!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 12:45 PM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

On the latest ROM (3.56), Sprint removed the option in Internet Sharing to choose between "Sprint PCS" and "Phone as Modem" connection profiles. Presumably this was an effort to stop unauthorized tethering. The reg change simply sets the default dialing profile to "Sprint PCS."

Sounds like your setup is working, but you might want to disconnect from your company internet connection and verify you are getting a connection through your phone before you hit the road. Sometimes the program can be a little flaky, but a soft reset will usually fix any connection issues you run into.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 12:53 PM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

With rom 3.56 update, in order to use your phone as modem, you have to change some setting first by using PHM RegEdit to edit comm as mentioned above. Under HKEY_Local Machine/Comm/InternetSharing/Setting/ForceCellConne to Sprint PCS instead of Phone as Modem, soft reset and then you should be able to use phone as modem to connect laptop or pc.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 01:02 PM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

For the past year, I have been cooking WModem (as well as wmwifirouter) into all of my roms and been using that for tethering. Works great for everything I do.

And apparently I'm "one of those idiots" because I use my phone as my sole internet connection. I torrent on it, surf the internet, play WoW and download music/movies. I probably download several gigs of data of month (definitely over 5GB) and have NEVER seen a charge for it on my bill. Sure the new billing system tracks your usage now online, but they have never once sent me anything regarding it.

I'm happy with the speed anyway. 2.4 Mbps for $10/mo?? Sure does beat the $40 for the 1.5Mbps available at my apartment.

So use a program like wmodem or wmwifirouter. They work great.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2008, 04:42 PM
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Re: Using Mogul as Modem

Can't you just delete the "isext.dll" extenstion found under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing and have it work instead of switching Phone as Modem to Sprint PCS?
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