Re: Someone should make a 3.56 Reg Hacks Sticky!
what are you thinking? Do you even know what your talking about? I am totally messing with you. It seems like this forum is turning in to one big bonfire. I can't help you with your comment but good luck to you definitely.
Later, Yamus |
Re: Someone should make a 3.56 Reg Hacks Sticky!
Yamus, thanks! I think it would be of great benefit to us all if we pooled our resources in this regard. I have a few working edits (not figured out on my own!) for this ROM but I'm sure if we pooled our efforts this could be the one we're looking for!
Re: Someone should make a 3.56 Reg Hacks Sticky!
PM me the reg edits, or post them here, and i will add them to the first post in the ROM thread. Fair enough?