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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 06:52 AM
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Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

I've never notice anyone else post this but I thought I would give it a shot. I've tried the OEMs, the No2chems, DCD, I've tried a bunch of different ROMs and they all seem to have the same issue for me. They work fantastic for about 2 weeks and then all of a sudden my phone craps out on me. Now it's not that the phone stops working, it just gets EXTREMELY unresponsive. All of the peppy behavior of my phone after a fresh install goes right out the door. I find myself having to reset the phone like 10 times a day because it gets so bogged down or plain frozen. Does anyone else have these issues or just my crazy phone? I'm wondering if during the flash it's not deleting something perhaps? I flash from the SD card and just rename the .nbh file. I normally pull the battery for 10 minutes afterwards so I don't think that's the reason. I flash....pull the battery....then do a hard reset before using the ROM. And I don't really have a lot of programs installed (and all the ones I do are right after the flash...I don't add more into the 2 weeks). It just seems random that all of a sudden the "RAM" or whatever it is seems to become really unresponsive and just plain unusable. Sorry this is is so long...just kinda throwing it out there to the community to see if anyone else has similar issues. TIA

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 08:45 AM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

what programs do you install right after the flash? maybe something in one of them has a timebomb
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 04:25 PM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

list your programs. maybe some one thats has run ne of the programs that your running and knows thats its garbage. maybe you need to find a app like quickclear,oxios hibernate/oxious close app to clean your phone out of useless junk. IMO i think it can be one of two things cause i kinda had the same situation. but either your not doing proper maintenance, or one of your app is clashing with another. i do a soft reset every morning, then i run quick clear, oxios hibernate/oxious close app programs
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 05:24 PM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

Yeah, I have a similar occurrence with my mogul too. I mess around with too many apps to narrow it down, but it always seems like a solid 2 or 3 weeks before the phone becomes as slow as poops.

At one point I even tried uninstalling EVERYTHING and it still behaved craptastically: low starting memory (after a soft-reset), delayed responsiveness, etc.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 05:36 PM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

Have you tried to clean it occasionally? Maybe with a program like Clear Temp or MemMaid? I recommend finding a App that will clear your temp folders and PIE history/cookies ect. You can check Commonly requested & popular software for some other Cleanup Utilities. Try it see if it helps. Your PPC is just like your PC you have to do some cleaning to keep it running in good shape. MemMaid cleans mine every morning at 5am, I never have to think about it.
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Last edited by Lsme420; 07-08-2008 at 05:44 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 05:51 PM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

Sounds to me like one of your common apps is building up large files that are overwhelming your system over time. Definitely tell us what apps you're installing.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 07:34 PM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

Hey, thanks for all of the replies. OK I'm pulling my SDConfig file now so I can see what's installed at boot. I do use Oxios Hibernate/Close Apps. The two options I can see being weird because they run all the time are Enalarm (an alarm clock app but I deleted the .exe from the startup folder) and then Magic X button which is my task manager. Anyone ever have any problems with either of those? Here's a list of the files I have installed (I'm just copying the SDConfig file cause it's easier):
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\AEButtonPlus.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\GoogleMaps.CAB
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\Windows LiveSearch.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\PHM Registry Editor.CAB
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\Resco Radio.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\uBook09i.PPC_ARM.CAB
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\IM+ v4.45.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\Opera_v865_WM5 crackfixed.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\OxiosMemory.CAB
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\enalarmppc 3.3.2.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\HTC Home Plugin v1.6.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\MagicButton.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\musicid.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\total commander.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\windows_live_10.6.33.0600 dcd.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\Resco Keyboard.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\CABs\WiFiFoFum.CAB

Thanks in advance for any help.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 07:45 PM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

The two that cross my mind are IM+ and Opera. Only because my experience with ANY IM software I've run is that it tends to drastically slow down my phone. Also Opera's been known to eat up a lot of resources with its cache. These are only guesses, though.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 07:49 PM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

I don't really even use either of those programs so I'll remove those. Does anyone have any issues with Magic X Button or enalarm?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 10:03 PM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

do you text alot? I just remembered, if you let your text messasges build up it can drastically slow down your phone, also predictive text can slow it down if it gets too long. if your phone is still acting slow, try clearing your text messages, and reseting your predictive text.
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