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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2008, 05:39 PM
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Can't access service after ROM upgrade

Hello all... I've been checking the pages and I didn't find something similar to my case so I created a new thread...

I have a TITAN (MOGUL) branded for a Venezuelan operator (MOVILNET which I use) and some friends did the upgrade to version 3.56 from SPRINT and after some difficulties were able to have their phones back to operating with our carrier... After reading and talking to them I decided to try it on Friday night... I downloaded the ROM from here and did a backup of my phone settings (both manually and using QPST...

When I tried to upgrade it said that it couldn't be done, so I unlocked it using OLIPRO which I downloaded from here as well.. ROM loaded, no problem.. Phone starts but of course the settings are from SPRINT... I put the settings manually and uploaded the PRL file I created in the backup, soft reset and still my phone doesnt take my carrier... I don't want to take it back for reprogramming to the old 6.0 version w/o GPS... I tried with 3.49, No2CHEM 5067, 3.35 (the one I have now) and so far no luck whatsoever...

My question would be... Do I have to RELOCK the phone in order for it to work? Please I need an urgent answer since I'm to take it back tomorrow and I really wouldn't like that to happen... PLEASE HELP ME!!

WHat am I doing wrong?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 05:08 AM
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Re: Can't access service after ROM upgrade

Did you let sprint customizations run? (It gives you a 3 second warning...) If so you probably updated your PRI (not PRL) to sprint's. You can either find a rip of the extrom from your carrier's stock rom and run whichever cab is for your pri assuming it is in there (and then \windows\ppst.exe) or flash back to your stock rom and let customizations run and hope for the best. Once this is done flash to your rom of choice (do NOT let customizations run on any other carrier's rom)....
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2008, 12:55 AM
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Re: Can't access service after ROM upgrade

Originally Posted by joancolmenares View Post
Hello all... I've been checking the pages and I didn't find something similar to my case so I created a new thread...

I have a TITAN (MOGUL) branded for a Venezuelan operator (MOVILNET which I use) and some friends did the upgrade to version 3.56 from SPRINT and after some difficulties were able to have their phones back to operating with our carrier... After reading and talking to them I decided to try it on Friday night... I downloaded the ROM from here and did a backup of my phone settings (both manually and using QPST...

When I tried to upgrade it said that it couldn't be done, so I unlocked it using OLIPRO which I downloaded from here as well.. ROM loaded, no problem.. Phone starts but of course the settings are from SPRINT... I put the settings manually and uploaded the PRL file I created in the backup, soft reset and still my phone doesnt take my carrier... I don't want to take it back for reprogramming to the old 6.0 version w/o GPS... I tried with 3.49, No2CHEM 5067, 3.35 (the one I have now) and so far no luck whatsoever...

My question would be... Do I have to RELOCK the phone in order for it to work? Please I need an urgent answer since I'm to take it back tomorrow and I really wouldn't like that to happen... PLEASE HELP ME!!

WHat am I doing wrong?

Buenas Amigo, yo también estoy en el mismo rollo, a pesar de que no deje correr las customizaciones de sprint, me quedé sin linea, verifiqué todo, incluso el PRL pero nada. Lo curioso:
1.- puedo navegar y enviar / recibir sms
2.- cuando marco *1 me dice: "buenas noches, gracias por llamar a MOVISTAR (que raro...el equipo es de movilnet), si está interesado en nuestros servicios marque *811 donde gustosamente le atenderemos."

Queria saber si has logrado algo?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: Can't access service after ROM upgrade

Pepezu, te agarro el SCAN B que seria movistar... tienes que ponerlo en las configuraciones que te agarre AUTOMATICO o SPRINT ONLY que seria el canal A... si puedes navegar y enviar y recibir, trata llando al *611 o al 0800-6666611 y pides que te reseteen la linea.. que puedes navegar mas no llamar... es un proceso fastidioso porque le vas a a tener que explicar que reseteaste el cel (eso dije yo) y que desde entonces no pudes llamar y bueno te guiaran paso a paso como hacerlo
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2008, 11:32 AM
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Smile Re: Can't access service after ROM upgrade

Ok, a mi paso lo mismo, y la razon es que por algun motivo se switchea el NAM.

Deben colocarlo en NAM2, les explico como:

Instalen el Programa PHM RegEdit. Este permite modificar el registro desde el mismo Telefono. Una vz que lo inslaten, entran, y modifican esta clave de registro:


Buscan Aqui la variable HiddenNamSelectPage, la cual tiene el valor 1 (Activo). La colocan en 0, haciendo dobletap sobre la variable y el value data lo colocan en 0, seleccionan OK, y cierran el programa.

Con esto se habilita la Opncion de seleccion de NAM, para cambiarlo al NAM 2 (Nuestro Caso, para que regrese el teelfono a movilnet) Presionen el boton de llamada, luego en menu - Opciones - Servicios encontraran una opcion nueva llamada NAM Select. La seleccionan, hacen tap en configuracion y alli podran escoger el NAM. Prueben cambiar de NAM 1 a NAM 2, y seleeccionen OK. Esto sacara el telefono brevemente de la celda, luego prueben llamando al *5, les debe responder Movilnet!

Si tienen problemas, me escriben. Saludos!

P.D: Tambien les anexo un cab con el CCS NEW Timezone para aquellos que actualizaron el rom en alguno de los kitchen y tienen la hora corrida. Instalen este CAB, reinicien, y verán que ahora pueden seleccionar la nueva zona de venezuela, GMT-4.30.

Originally Posted by pepepzu View Post
Buenas Amigo, yo también estoy en el mismo rollo, a pesar de que no deje correr las customizaciones de sprint, me quedé sin linea, verifiqué todo, incluso el PRL pero nada. Lo curioso:
1.- puedo navegar y enviar / recibir sms
2.- cuando marco *1 me dice: "buenas noches, gracias por llamar a MOVISTAR (que raro...el equipo es de movilnet), si está interesado en nuestros servicios marque *811 donde gustosamente le atenderemos."

Queria saber si has logrado algo?
Attached Files
File Type: zip Regedit y CCS timezone.zip (77.3 KB, 6 views) Click for barcode!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2008, 02:20 AM
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Re: Can't access service after ROM upgrade

Originally Posted by _Nickel_ View Post
P.D: Tambien les anexo un cab con el CCS NEW Timezone para aquellos que actualizaron el rom en alguno de los kitchen y tienen la hora corrida. Instalen este CAB, reinicien, y verán que ahora pueden seleccionar la nueva zona de venezuela, GMT-4.30.
Outlook Notes doesn't work after install CCS new Timezone on PPC6700 (Apache), does PPC6800 have the same problem?
Jonathan Garcia
HTC 6800 <- UTS 6700 <- IPAQ 5450 <- Palm M130
WM 6.1 Pro, GPS enable.
nueSPL 2.47, Radio 3.42.40, CE OS 5.2.20931
Thanks to ppcgeeks, ppckitchen and xda-developers, specially thanks to GaMedic, ggurusa, no2chem, A_C and dcd1182.
Thanks to my countrymen Minino and NelsonGruber for your advice to prevent to brick my Titan.
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