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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 04:22 PM
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I really wrecked the kitchen (Help Please)

Yesterday, I had my first experience with cooking a ROM. This is something I have wanted to do since my first visit to this site. I downloaded Build OS and ran the updater which gave me the new 3.49 kitchen and the No2Chem 6067 kitchen. After making my selections, I was able to build my ROM and boy was I psyched! After playing with my new toy for about 15 minutes, the phone started shutting off on its own. I decided to try again using a different kitchen, this time the 3.49. This time everything seemed to go fine and no problems with the phone shutting down. Now I was hooked!
I went to build for a 3rd time and shortly after the build status box popped up I got a message about certain files being in use by another program. I decided to restart and try again. Same problem. I then decided to uninstall BuildOS and reinstall. This time, when I ran the updater, I noticed that I still had the updates and did not need to download again. Unfortunately, this still didn't fix the problem.
I started thinking...maybe it is something in one of the updates that is messed up so I went I decided to directly everything directly that had updated the first time I ran the updater, including the shareware and oem files. Now, I can not get the updater to find them again nor can I cook anything which really sucks. Is there anyway to completely start fresh or resolve this problem in anyway. I feel like I'm going to go into DT's if I can't cook again. Thanks in advance geeks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2008, 10:15 PM
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Re: I really wrecked the kitchen (Help Please)

I had this "issue" before, but it does not seem to mean anything. I just ignored it and continued cooking my rom and everything was peachy. I'm not saying it doesn't cause issues, I can just tell you I haven't detected any yet.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2008, 04:13 AM
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Re: I really wrecked the kitchen (Help Please)

Originally Posted by yamus08 View Post
I went to build for a 3rd time and shortly after the build status box popped up I got a message about certain files being in use by another program. I decided to restart and try again. Same problem.
This is usually from either having a file explorer session open against the temp directory, or have an RUU session open against the temp directory.

In both cases, if the build proceeds without further error, you have nothing to worry about. Further errors will cause the build to stop, at which point you will have to find and cure the issue.

I then decided to uninstall BuildOS and reinstall.
This time, when I ran the updater, I noticed that I still had the updates and did not need to download again. Unfortunately, this still didn't fix the problem.
That rarely (as in almost never) fixes anything.
I started thinking...maybe it is something in one of the updates that is messed up so I went I decided to directly everything directly that had updated the first time I ran the updater, including the shareware and oem files. Now, I can not get the updater to find them again nor can I cook anything which really sucks. Is there anyway to completely start fresh or resolve this problem in anyway. I feel like I'm going to go into DT's if I can't cook again. Thanks in advance geeks.
delete/edit c:\program files\ppckitchen.org\buildos\updater\sections_buil dos.xml
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2008, 07:44 AM
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Re: I really wrecked the kitchen (Help Please)

Thanks to both of you for your responses. I always appreciate a helping hand.

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
delete/edit c:\program files\ppckitchen.org\buildos\updater\sections_buil dos.xml
Yeah that did the trick. I actually figured this out last night before I got a chance to read this and I cannot believe that I overlooked deleting the program file folder. I guess I figured running the uninstaller would do that for me. Knows what I show! LOL

Thanks again,
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