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  #711 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 05:50 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
Nope it should be working.....I have been running it for quite sometime......
ok thank you sir!!!
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  #712 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2008, 10:09 AM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Thanks for the pointers and hints! Flash my Titan about a dozen times playing with different 5067 package configurations, and usually it works each time. Did it to get the GPS working, and it works great! Love WM 6.1 and the tweaks in the kitchen to enhance processor speed. Might reduce battery life, but mine lives near a charger anyway, so not a major issue. Next GPS project is to use it for a Laptop program. Now I'm at the point of fixing little things like Internet Connection Sharing and Resco Explorer 2008 registration (do I gotta buy it?).

ICS is needed, so something has to give, and if I can restore the original file explorer I'll be OK.

Lastly, please advise if there's a way to upload the ROM from the phone, tweak it, then re-flash. I've got personalizations (don't we all) that I'm tired of re-doing. Willing to try other configurations of the kitchen, can't get FtouchFlo to work, so sticking with my preferences for now

ROM Version: 3.49.NO2.5066(7)
ROM Date: 04/19/08
Radio Version: 03.37.20
Protocol Version: DCAAXAM-4350H
Hardware Version: 0003
PRL version: 30031
PRI version: 2.01_011
Blah, Blah, Blah.

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  #713 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2008, 10:48 AM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Marine you can use tiermans oemizer from the kitchen to save your personal settings so they burn in every ROM. Huge time saver. Will save owner info, email settings, etc...
Step by Step tutorial for unlocking your device and cooking your own ROM!!!

Feel free to if choose to do so.
My ROM for Verizon, Sprint, Alltel, US Cellular and Cricket 20931 Base!!

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  #714 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2008, 11:02 AM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Appreciate that Doc looks like a must for those of us that like to play around.
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  #715 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2008, 11:27 AM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Oh, yeah, the one problem I don't understand is when I try to edit s2u2 settings, pop-up says "the file 's2us' cannot opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found...." Why is that, and how do I make it work without these things. Sometimes s2u2 keeps the changes anyway, and other times it just dies 'till I restart it. I get similar pop-ups for other programs, can't remember which right now. Note to self, make a list.

When I built the ruu in BuildOS, I stayed away from items identified as Trial, or otherwise identified/known to require purchase. Still, some of the other software keeps asking for registration. I don't want or need programs on my phone that I can't use, and I wouldn't have installed them had I known.

Going to give oemizer a shot, and build another ruu, unless fixes for these niggling annoyances miraculously appear.

Thanks to everyone for your excellent input, suggestions, and otherwise useful postings! I've read sooooo much, I can't keep track of all of it. If only someone could make a link list of posts in this thread referencing specific items, things would be soooo much easier to find. The search feature of this forum leaves something to be desired, and that's it.

Last edited by Retired Marine; 07-17-2008 at 12:04 PM.
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  #716 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2008, 03:06 AM
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Question Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen


I have a slight issue and have trolled through the ppcgeeks and xda forums.

I have a Titan, and have:
1) Followed http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=17667 approach to a ROM upgrade
2) This has been successful and I have
ROM: 3.49.NO2.5066
Radio: 3.35.04

I have have used the BuildOS app before successfully a number of times to upg HTC Apache's to 6.1, so don't consider myself a NOOB.

Problem I have is that I can't access the EPST (either via .lnk file or trying to use ##778; but when I try this, the screen flashes and comes back to the screen I was on. Some forums have suggested that this is due to the Custom Dialer, and I have tried the suggestions made, but to no avail.

The upshot is that I have a device which has a successful Radio and ROM build and has recognized the Telecom network, but I can't edit the data in the MSL or EPST files with the details I backed up ... can't connect to the network.

Any assistance out there on this???

TNZ 6800: Olipro 2.40 ________Radio 3.42.30 ________ Kitchen DCD 3.2.2 ROM

Recent Device History:
  • HTC Harrier
  • HTC Apache (6700) 'upg'd' to WM6
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  #717 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2008, 07:39 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Has anyone gotten picture mail to work with this kitchen. if so...how?
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  #718 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2008, 10:00 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Originally Posted by stangboy68 View Post
Has anyone gotten picture mail to work with this kitchen. if so...how?
You need more details than that .....what carrier are you running is very important..and what have you tried for picmail service..
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  #719 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2008, 03:15 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Originally Posted by Ga. Medic View Post
I just got my 6800 too. I was using the kitchen from the 6700 upgrades forum. I followed this guide pretty close (If you use Verizon). All I had to do was:
1. Unlock my phone using olipro 2.40
2. Upgrade my radio to 3.35. ( I didn't do the whole flash of sprint ROM as described in guide. I found the radio by itself and just flashed radio only)
3. Ran updater on Kitchen. Made my selections in the kitchen and burned a ROM.
4. Called for an Akey.
It was an easy upgrade after I spent hours of reading.

I started using no2chem's 5067 kitchen about 2 weeks ago. I have read many posts all saying pretty much like the one above. I had a friend of mine that did it differently though. He and I used the Titan Unlocker to get into the bootloader, then ran the RUU that the kitchen made. Neither one of us has changed our bootloader to 2.40. We were are both on Alltel running the newest rom with 3.37.20 radio, and the bootloader screen says 2.07.

My question is....should we not be doing it this way? It's kind of nice because all we have to do is flash the official radio/rom, and we are right back to stock.

Thanks for such a great forum! If it was not for here and XDA, I would surely be lost.

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  #720 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2008, 05:14 AM
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Question Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Gidday guys.

Onto my last issue. Everthing is working great (even GPS) but I can only get 1X data connections vs the EVDO Rev-a I should be able to get.
I have checked XDA and PPCGEEKS and there were a couple of threads with similar issue but these had no effect on my device.

I have attached a couple of screen shots Device Info and About.

I think my issue is my PRL from reading the threads, but I have tried to update using *22800 and this doesn't work (this is what my carrier TNZ uses). Correct?

Any thoughts ... assistance?

Thanks in advance.
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